marți, 4 februarie 2014


POPESCU IULIAN PhDMD, Clinical Department of Radio-Biology at the Fundeni Clinical Institute in Bucharest

             ALINA HALPERN PhD, SF.ŞTEFAN Hospital  Bucharest

Classification of Lung Cancer (LC) is primarily performed in morphological terms and in particular through immunohistochemical methods.
Large cell carcinomas are a distinct group of tumors within the non-small cell lung cancer.
The diagnosis of large cell lung cancer - until now - is made by the exclusion of other forms of lung cancer (LC)
Wtihin large cell lung cancer it is observed - at ultrastructural level - conformations of squamous or glandular differentiation (1,2,3)
Large cell lung cancer has a number of sub-categories:
1) Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
2) Basaloid carcinoma
3) The lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma
4) Large cell carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype
5) Clear cell carcinoma
                                      LARGE CELL CARCINOMA
Histochemical Markers  
The cell of origin is not yet known.  
Large cell lung cancer is a form of low differentiated cancer. Most of them express pan- cyto - keratin or the epithelial membrane antigen (3,4,5 ) . At the same time, a higher percentage gets stained for cyto - keratin7 (6.7 ).  
Immunoreactivity for TTF1 is observed in 50% of cases in large cell lung cancers.TTF1 has specificity for CLARA cells and pneumocytes II (8 ).
  Approximately 30 % of the large cell lung cancers show positivity for the markers of peripheral airway cells, such as:
surfactant protein A ( SP -A) or CLARA cell protein ( 10kd ) ( 9.10 )
Rossi et al (11 ) - by determining the expression of CK7 , CK with high molecular weight, TTF1 and CD56 neural adhesion molecule - divided the 45 cases of large cell lung cancers in 60% of adenocarcinoma 22 % squamous form and 9% large cell cancers with neuroendocrine differentiation .
In summary, large cell lung cancers have ultrastructural appearance and histochemical phenotypes similar to lung adenocarcinoma (ADC ) expressed both by TTF1 and Cyto - keratin7, like other ADC markers such as: CEA , secretory component SP -A and B72.3 . Only a small group has squamous appearance.

Molecular Pathways and Prognostic Markers.  
In general tumors with a high rate of apoptosis have a shorter survival (12). In non-small cell lung cancer the Bcl-2 expression is related to a long survival of the tumor (13)
This is not seen in large cell lung cancer (14).
   Immunoreactivity for EGFR is observed in 56% of cases with large cell cancer. The high imunoreactivity for EGFR is associated with an aggressive clinical behavior and short survival (15).

Study of the Genes  
The P53 gene mutations are common in large cell lung cancer are and comparable with data from non-small cell lung cancer
P53 mutations are frequently mutated in large cell lung cancer. They are found in exons 7,5 , and 8. Are more frequent in smokers and patients with poorly differentiated lesions (16). 
Tammehagi et al (17) in operated cases found p53 mutations in a large percentage of 54% of the cases of non-small cell cancer. The lowest percentage was in ADC (18).
  The p16 gene inactivation is seen in 71 % of cases in small cell lung cancer (19) and through the mechanism of hypermethilation and a third in cases form of squamous cancer and ADC (58 %).  
In large cell lung cancer is noticed the p16 gene hypermethylation  and p53 mutations, the hypermethylation dominating against mutations , being the main mechanism of inactivation (20) 
 In large cell lung cancer we have a low expression of CyclinD1 (21) Kras. The Kras mutations have an important role in ADC carcinogenesis. In the case of large cell lung cancer data are variable. Out of 24 small cell lung cancer only one single case shown the Kras mutations. Instead in ADC 41 cases of 144 had Kras mutations (22).
   In large cell lung cancer 25% of cases had RASSF1(3p gene) hypermethilation and only 7% had Kras mutations and RASSF1(promoter) hypermethilation.

Chromosome Issues
Most large cell tumors have clonal aberrations (23). The most common aberrations involve  
  losses in areas 1p, 1q, 3p, 6q, 7q and 17p  
  gains in areas 5q, 7p and regions of the chromosomes 11,1 and 7
It is considered that the combination of 17p losses and abnormalities in chromosomes 1 and 6 observed in large cell cancer resembles in kariotipic terms more with ADC than squamous form.
Many kariotipic changes of large cell lung cancer are similar to those in non-small cell lung cancer (24)
Thus we       chromosomal losses 9p,3p,6q,8p,9q,13q,17p,18q 19p,21q,22q
                     chromosomal gains  chromosome 7(7p and 7q),1q,3q  and 5p
A significant presence is the 3p loss (loci including RASSF1A and FHIT)
Losses in 9p involve the p16 gene
Losses in 17p involve the p53 (23,25,26 ) gene

Comparative Genomic Hybridization
Analyzing by this method 30 cases (10 cases of large cell cancer and 20 cases ADC) there have been observed that 26 cases had alterations of the number of copies of the DNA (27)
It has been seen that specific abnormalities of large cell lung cancer are similar to those seen in ADC (27). Thus, in both we have 

   - DNA gains 8q,1q, 6pcen-21, 5p14
   - DNA losses   6qcen-23 and 17
In ADC gains dominated in 7pcen-21 and losses in 8p and 18p
In large cell lung cancer and in non-small cell lung cancer
    - losses 8p and 18p and
    - gains in 7p
On two cell lines in large cell lung have been found
    - losses  15q12-q32,18q,6q,9 and 13q
    - gains 5p,8q,15,6p,20q,1q21-11,2p,3q(28)

Loss of  Heterozygosity (LOH)
In general there is a similarity between the large cell lung cancer and ADC
LOH in 3p is found in 3 carcinomas, but prevail in small cell lung cancer neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer (29)
LOH in the area of 5q23 is frequent in large cell lung cancer
LOH at TP53 and 13q14 is seen in all the 3 forms
LOH in the area of 12p is noticed in 50% of  large cell lung cancer and 96% in ADC cases
Activation – rare – of the Kras mutations is seen in large cell lung cancer and in ADC, which shows 12 LOH(23).
Finally in large cell lung cancer prevail the cell cycle genes, genes related to DNA replication and transcription factors. Genes that characterize the large cell lung cancer are the same as seen in the embryonic development (the pseudo glandular and canalicular period), while those of the lung adenocarcinoma are genes during embryonic period when  developing the terminal bag and in alveolar stage (30). Genes associated with the proliferation are observed in large cell lung cancer, whereas the genes related to the differentiation is observed in lung adenocarcinoma, summarizing the normal ways of developments (30).

Histochemical Issues
  Large cell neuroendocrine cancer is stained positively with
chromoguanin coloration in 75% of cases,
synaptophyzin coloration in 84%-100%,
coloration CD56 in 90%-100% (31,32,33,34)
   In contrast to large cell lung cancer, it is less frequently positive the cyto-keratin with high molecular weight and less frequently Cyto-keratin7 (CK7)(32,33,35).
    Similar to large cell lung cancer has another positivity for TTF-1in 35%-70% of large cell neuro-endocrine lung cancer (33,35,29)
    TTF-1 is a marker linking also the tumor type II pneumocytes cells to the lung CLARA cells.   
The TTF-1 marker reactivity reflects either a significant transcriptional disorder in an undifferentiated tumor, or reflects the relations with neuroendocrine differentiation (1). It is unclear whether the TTF-1 immunoreactivity of large cell lung cancer and large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer origin can be construed with the same origin as in ADC- lung related or is a connection still unknown, with neuroendocrine differentiation (1)

Molecular Pathways and Prognostic Markers
Generally tumors with a high rate of apoptosis have a low survival (12).
Bcl2 is an anti-apoptotic protein and is frequent in neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer and in small cell lung cancer (36). The Bcl2 expression is related to a low survival in non-small cell lung cancer (13), which does not happen in the large cell lung cancer (37). In large cell neuroendocrine cancer we have a higher frequency than in large cell lung cancer (12). In large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer we have a ratio of Bcl-2-Bax larger than 1 similar to small cell lung cancer (36).
    The p53 pathway. The increase in p53 immuno reactivity has been noticed in 65% in large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer compared to 35% in large cell lung cancer (38).
     Matrix-metalloproteinase-9, which is responsible in invasion and also survenes in  the process of metastasis, shows an increased frequency in large cell lung neuroendocrine (38).      
While we have frequent deletions in 3p area and a  loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the area 3.14, the immune staining for the FHIT gene was negative in large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer (25,26,39). The FHIT gene silencing is attributed to promoting the hypermethylation process.
The large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer has an inverse relationship between the expression of retinoblastoma (Rb) and p16 gene (29,40, 41). In large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer  was observed the facilitation of p16 hypermethylation in 48% of cases, compared to 33 % of cases of large cell lung cancers. This has not been observed in small cell lung cancer. This hypermethylation facilitation would be the cause of losing the p16 gene in both large cell lung cancer and in neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer (25)
         In neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer was seen a intense coloration of CyclinD1 in 25% of cases (42).

The Study of Genes         
In neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer has been observed a MEN-1 mutation but none in small cell cancer. (43) This is important because in 67% of cases of carcinoid tumors there is an inactivation of the MEN-1, making the difference between carcinomas with high or low neuroendocrine degree (43)        
In 83 cases of lung cancer tumors with large neuroendocrine cells have not been observed mutations for c-KIT,PDGFR alfa, PDGFRbeta or c-MET. But in immunohistochemical terms
    63% have been KIT positive
    60% have been PDGFR alpha positive
    82% have been PDGFR beta positive
    47% have been c-MET positive (44). The only prognostic factor was the expression of c-Met, which was correlated with the overall survival. The Met-positive patients should be treated as patients with small cell lung cancer and not after the treatment schemes of non- small cell lung cancer (44)
           The Kras mutations are rarely positive in large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer, also the c-rafl mutations (45)

The Comparative Genomic Hybridization.
Through this method have been compared with the large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer with small cell lung cancer (46)
Common data: losses in the areas 3p, 4q, 5q, 13q
                       Gains in the area 5p
Usually there are aspects which show similarity between the two entities.
Instead, in case of non-small cell lung cancer, the neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer is similar to lung ADC.
    Gains in the area 3p:    66% in small cell lung cancer
                                          7,7% in the neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer
    Deletions in 16q area:       50% in small cell lung cancer
                                         rare in ADC and neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer
    Deletions in 17p area:        75% in small cell lung cancer
                                          Less than 25% in the other forms (46)
After the work of J.A.Eleazar and A.C.Borczuk(1) have been found
     Deletions in 10q area :   present in small cell lung cancer and in the squamous form
                                          Absent in neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer
                                                in ADC    

    Gains in the area 6p :             present in ADC ,in squamous form and in neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer
                                              absent in small cell lung cancer

                                        Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH)
  LOH in the 3p area is frequent in neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer compared to carcinoids (47)
  LOH in the 5p.21 area is frequent in neuroendocrine large cell lung cancer and in small cell lung cancer and more frequent compared to carcinoids (47)
  LOH in the 5q area has been studied by SHIN et al(39) and noticed frequencies ranging between 30% and 91%
 A high frequency is observed in the 13q14 and 9p.21 both  in small cell lung cancer and in large cell neuroendocrine cancer.
All neuroendocrine tumors have a high rate of LOH in the 11q area
The p53 abnormalities are frequent in large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer consisting of LOH or mutations or both.
Within the neuroendocrine tumors is noted:
 LOH in TP53, point mutations in p53
Chromosomal losses in
  3p14.2 (FHIT), 3p21, 3p.22, 5q21, 9p21(p14) and 13q14.2(Retinoblastoma) is observed both in small cell lung cancer and large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer and have a reserved prognostic (47)
Large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer shows chromosomal imbalances similar to those of small cell lung cancer (,46,48)

       Molecular pathology.  p53 and Rb pathways
Large cell neuroendocrine cancer shows alterations similar to small cell lung cancer. Thus:
     - a high rate of p53 mutations (49,45,50,51)
     - an over expression of Bcl-2 and under regulation of Bax
      -a high activity of telomerase
      -the p14ARF loss has the same frequency (40%) as in small cell cancer
     - over expression of Cyclin E is similar (50%) in both cancers and is simultaneously to the Rb loss. The over expression of Cyclin E is correlated with the E2F1 over regulation
    - it is also seen a high level of MDM2 in 30% of cases of large cell neuroendocrine cancer and which is inversely related to the loss of p14ARF(52)
    - over expression of MDM2 and loss of Rb are highly competitive in the neuro-endocrine cancers, especially in large cell neuroendocrine cancer.

                Apoptotic Factors
Bcl-2 is an anti-apoptotic protein. It is activated in large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. The Bcl2/Bax default ratio is over unitary (36)

                FAS and FAS LIGAND
   FAS(CD95) is a target gene for the positive transcription of p53 (53). Large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer has a strong FAS under regulation, and half of the cases do not have it. The FAS expression score is very low compared to normal tissue.   
   The FAS ligand was found over regulated in 40% of cases. Has the same frequency as in small cell lung cancer. The FAS / FASLIGAND ratio is decreased below 1, as well as Bax-Bcl2 ratio. This reflects a under regulation of the apoptosis in large cell neuroendocrine mitochondrial cancer (36)

               Angiogenic Factors
In large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer it was observed:
 -over-expression of VEGF      
 -a loss (40%) of  Semaphorin      
 -an increase in the expression of neuropilin - 1(NP1) and neuropilin-2(NP2) with 70% –respectively 90% compared to normal epithelium.
In short, large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer has the same pattern of moderate expression of VEGF and neuropilins, like small cell lung cancer (`36)

                 The adhesion molecule of the complex E-Cadherin-beta-Catenin
The large cell neuroendocrine lung cancer has lost the normal expression of this adhesion complex (54,55). Thus 84% have the staining affected for E-cadherin and 73% have the staining affected for beta-catenin.
No mutations of this complex have been observed in large cell neuroendocrine cancer. The expression patterns of E-cadherin and Beta-catenin are common in large cell neuroendocrine cancer and in small cell lung cancer. These data show the role had by the disorder of cell adhesion complex in the pathogenesis of tumors with high neuroendocrine degree. The lack of adhesion molecules may suggest the possibility of transition from the epithelial stage to mesenchymal one (56). For example there is a correlation between the alteration degree of E-cadherin complex and the presence of gannglionic metastases in stages III and IV of the disease (54)

                         Limpho-epithelioma-like carcinoma
In contrast to other tumours in this category, this form is not related to smoking, but to the Epstein-Barr virus infection in Asian populations (57, 58).
    Histologically, the cell is large, with vesicular nuclei, many nucleoli, cell edges not being distinct (clear), suggesting a syncytium. What is important for diagnosis is the association of some lymphocytic infiltrates (lymphoplasmocytes) around the tumour nests or mixed among the tumour cells. It is also seen an inflammatory cell response both in primary and metastatic areas
   It has EGFR mutations. The mutations are usually associated with non-smokers and adenocarcinoma, but this was not observed in this form of tumour (59 )    
   Through in situ hybridization has been detected the Epstein-Barr virus in all cases. On the other hand, large cell cancer and adenocarcinoma do not show the Epstein - Barr virus ( 60 )    
  A feature of this form of tumour is the infiltration with mononuclear cells and the monocyte-chemoatractant-1 protein (CAM-1) was shown in 86 % of cases.     
  The MCP-1 determination through the PCR method has shown its presence in all tumours. But only the lympho - epithelial tumours were positive by in situ hybridization method. The other cases of non- lympho - epithelial -like tumours were positive by in situ hybridization for non-neoplastic stromal cells , showing that there is a difference between MPC -1 in large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and MPC-1 in carcinoma forms similar to limpho - epithelioma compared to non limpho - epithelial forms.

                                              Basaloid Carcinoma
  Another form of large cell carcinoma is basaloid carcinoma (61). Histologically it has a nodular appearance with necrosis similar to large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. But it lacks the neuroendocrine markers. It is also missing the squamous differentiation, which accounts for a poor prognosis (62).
         Immuno-histochemical markers.
It is frequently positive for KL1 Cyto-keratines and for Cyto- keratin with large molecule (34BE 12). TTF-1 is negative and reactivity for neuroendocrine markers is rare (61,33)
  Prognostic markers and molecular pathways.
A study on 48 basaloid carcinomas showed that 50% had p16losses and a third had immunoreactivity for cyclinD1 (63)
  In terms proteomic basaloid carcinoma is a unique subgroup within large cell carcinoma (64)  
This type of tumor shows an inverse relation with Rb and p16 and a direct relationship with Rb and CyclinD1.
 The reserved prognosis is associated with the combination Rb negative p16positive and Cyclin D1 positive in basaloid carcinoma (63).

Large cell carcinoma includes:
a) clear cell carcinomas. They do not show a squamous or glandular differentiation and the cells have an accumulation of glycogen
b) large cell carcinoma with rabdoid phenotype. It has
 large eosinophilic inclusions. This form is positive for vimentin and often for pan-Cytokeratin and membrane antigen (65,66,67)
They stained positively for Cyto-keratin 7 and neuroendocrine markers (65,66)
No immunoreactivity was observed for TTF-1 (66)

The Main Changes

  It is a form of poorly differentiated cancer. The origin cell is not known.  
Large cell carcinoma has ultra-structural appearance and histochemical phenotypes similar to lung adenocarcinoma  
In large cell carcinoma prevail the cell cycle genes, DNA replication and transcription factors. The observed genes are the same as the genes during embryonic period, namely the during the pseudo-glandular and canalicular development period compared to lung adenocarcinoma where are prevalent the genes during embryonic period when terminal bag and alveolar stage develop.  
In large cell carcinoma dominate the genes associated with proliferation while in adenocarcinoma dominate genes associated with differentiation.

The Main Molecular Changes  
It is shown a large percentage of cyto – keratin 7  
50 % of small cell carcinomas have immuno - reactivity for the TTF -1 gene  
30% of large cell carcinomas have positivity for the cell markers of peripheral airways  
They show p53 mutations, more frequent in smokers and those with poorly differentiated lesions.
 Present the inactivating of p16 gene (71%) and RASSF1A tumour suppressor gene by hypermethylation  
Kariotypic changes in large cell carcinoma are similar to those in non-small cell lung cancer.  
Regarding the loss of heterozygosity in the areas 5q23, TP53, 13q14 and p12 are similar to lung adenocarcinoma


Comparative data with large cell carcinoma

SIMILARITIES It has a significant positivity for TTF-1 (35% -70%). It is not known whether this is due to a common origin or is a connection yet unknown of neuroendocrine differentiation
DIFFERENCES Cytokeratin7 is less frequent compared to large carcinoma                      
    Has an increased expression of Bcl 2                      
    Immunoreactivity for the p53 pathway is higher than in large-cell carcinoma (65% versus 35%)                      
   Matrix metalloproteinase 9 has a high frequency and is responsible for invasion and metastasis                       
    The p16 gene is hypermethylated in 48% of cases versus 28% in large cell cancer

Comparative data with small cell lung cancer

 Neuroendocrine cancers show chromosomal imbalances related to small cell lung cancer                        
Bcl 2-bax ratio is over uniform                       
The FHIT gene is inactivated by hypermethylation                         
LOH (loss of heterozygosity ) in the areas 3p, 5q, 9p21, 13q14 , and especially in the 11q area, LOH has a very high rate in all neuroendocrine cancers.
It slso present alterations similar to small cell lung cancer.                         
The rate of p53 gene mutations, over-expression of Bcl 2, the increased telomerase activity                          
Loss of the P14ARF gene, over expression of Cyclin 5                          
The high level of MDM2 in inverse relation to p14ARF gene. The MDM2 over expression is inversely correlated in neuroendocrine cancers                           
Bcl 2 ( antiapoptotic protein) is activated both in large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and in small cell lung cancer                           
Shows the under regulation of FAS gene compared to normal epithelium. FAS ligand is over regulated in 40% of cases. The FAS - FASLIGAND ration is under uniform, similar in both forms of cancer                           
Similar to small cell lung cancer, has lost the normal expression of adhesion complex (E- cadherin - beta- catenin )

                          There is the mutation of MEN-1 gene, which is absent in small cell cancer                          
Presents an inverse relationship between Rb gene and p16 gene                          
A high expression of cyclin D1

 CARCINOMA LIMFOEPITELIOMULUI                           
Is associated with the Epstein-Barr virus infection showing this virus                           
Histologically has lympho-plasmocytes infiltrated around tumour nests                            
Has large cell, with vesicular nuclei, with imprecise cell  edges.                           
Has infiltrated with mononuclear cells.                           
The monocyte-chemoattractant protein-1 is present in all cases.                           
Shows EGFR mutations

BASALOID CARCINOMA                           
Histologically resembles to large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, but lacks neuroendocrine markers                          
 It is positively present for KL1 cytokeratins and cytokine with high molecular weight (34BE-12)                             
Is negative for TTF-1                             
Have losses of the p16 gene (50%)                             
Has immuno-reactivity for Cyclin D1                             
                        In proteomic terms it is obviously a subgroup of the large cell lung cancer

CLEAR CELL CARCINOMA                               
Shows intra cellular accumulation of glycogen                               
Does not have squamous or glandular differentiation

Eosinophilic inclusions are present.                               
Is positive for the Vimentin protein                               
Is positively correlated to Cytokin7 and neuroendocrine markers                               
It does not have immuno-reactivity for TTF-1.

In the end  I render the   pertinent conclusions of J.A.Elazar and A.C. Borczuk(1)

  Large cell carcinoma is a distinct group in the group of non-small cell lung cancer. It presents immuno-histochemical, cytogenetic, mutational (KRAS ) data, as well as the gene expression profile which overlap with lung adenocarcinoma. This similarity reflects a probably common cellular origin.
 It is possible that the progenitor cells have the capacity to differentiate in multiple cell lines. Large cell carcinoma may represent a maturation stop leading to mixed histologies, as tumors where the molecular profile overlaps, ranging from undifferentiated large cell carcinomas up to differentiated adenocarcinomas.  In the case of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma there are similarities with small cell lung cancer, carcinomas with neuroendocrine component. But in many other situations overlaps with non-small cell lung cancer. It still remains to be investigated whether there is a common cell between these two formations with neuroendocrine components . It remains, however, the existence probability of an intermediate phenotype between small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

    Cytokeratin7 – a low molecular weight cytokeratin. It is found in epithelial cells, and epithelial cancers
   Surfactant protein A - protein which gives a high immunity, favours phagocytosis by macrophages; intervenes in the production of surfactant    
    CD56 neural cell adhesion molecule (cluster of differentiation) is a glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin family. It is used for recognition of tumours. Normally found in NK cells, activated T cells. Small cell lung cancer is positive for CD56     
    B72.3 monoclonal antibody. It helps in the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma.   
    CyclinD member of the family of cyclin-proteins involved in cell cycle regulation and   in cell cycle progression.
     RASSF1A a tumour suppressor gene. Loss or alteration of this gene’s expression is related to the pathogenesis of cancer. It induces the accumulation of cyclinD1, and induces the cell cycle stopping.
     FHIT(fragile hystidin triade)  tumour suppressor gene
     c.MET is a proto-oncogene, which encodes the Hepatocyte growth factor receptor protein, which has a tyrosine kinase activity. It is a sign of severe prognosis. stem cancer cells express c-Met and become the cause of cancer resistance and diffusion.     
     Menin is a protein encoded by the MEN-1gene. It is located in the long arm of chromosome 11q13. Is associated with glandular tumours.
     PDGFR(platelet derived growth factor receptor) is a tyrosine-kinase receptor of the cell surface.
      Tyrosine –protein-kinase KIT is a protein encoded by the KIT gene. Is a cell surface marker.
      c-RAFL is an oncogene
      p14ARF is the product of CDKN2A. It is involved in cell cycle regulation. Inhibits [MDM2, which favours p53, which in turn promotes p21 activation. Loss of p14ARF through homozygous mutations in the INK4A(CDKN2A) gene leads to increasing MDM2, loss of p53 function and cell controll.
       Cyclin E is a member of the cyclins family. It binds CDK2  to G1 phase necessary for the transition from G1 phase to S phase
       E2F1 is a transcription factor encoding the E2F1 gene. The E2F1 transcription factors family plays a crucial role in the cell cycle and action of tumour-suppressor proteins
       MDM2(murine double minute2) is an oncogene encoding the MDM2 protein which is an important negative regulator of p53tumour-suppressor gene. Its level increases in some cancers.
        FAS.  In the molecular mechanism of inducing activation of T cell death have been found the FAS molecules (CD95) and FAS ligand. Binding of FAS and FASligand is a homeostatic control mechanism for maintaining the number of T cells. FAS and FASligand form an apoptotic pathway.The FAS receptor is a cellular receptor protein belonging to the TNF receptor family (CD95), which induces apoptosis by attaching to Fasligand.
        Semaphorin.  SEMA 3E.-plexin.D1. Modulates angiogenesis through a feed-back mechanism via VEGF
        Neuropilin is a receptor protein active in neuron. They are transmembrane glycoproteins and co-receptor of semaphorin. Also VEGF is another ligand for neuropilin. Neuropilin inhibits cell migration and adhesion and increases chemo-sensitivity
        Cyto keratin with high molecular weight is a monoclonal antibody that recognizes keratins 1,5,10,16.Is a good marker  for myoepithelial cells.
         PAN-Cytokeratina(KL1). It is recommended for the detection of cyto-keratins. Cyto keratins play a role in the differentiation and specialization of tissues and maintain the integrity of epithelial cells. They are important markers for the characterization of malignant tumours. For example cytokeratin 10 and 13 express very well the subset of squamous form, while the of cyto-keratin18 is expressed in lung adenocarcinoma.
       VIMENTIN is a type III-filament protein that is expressed in mesenchymal cells Vimentin is the major cyto-skeletal component of the mesenchymal cells.
Vimentin is used as a marker for cells derived from mesenchyme or for cells suffering the epithelial-mesenchymal transition during development and metastasis      
Cytokeratin antibody(34betaE12) antibody with high molecular weight. Its increased expression is noted in lung basal cells, in squamous lung cancer, basaloid cancer, in mesothelioma. It does not stain Clara cells and pneumocyte II and the reaction is negative in neuroendocrine tumours. Is not related to adenocarcinoma.

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