Molecular Pathology OF THE
The small cell lung cancer is an epithelial malignant
tumor made up of small cells, with cytoplasm poor, marginal, with fine,
granular appearance and lack of nucleoli. It has a high rate of mitosis and
extensive necrosis. It differs through a very high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (1).
So far no precursors are not known, as well as for
the lung cancer with neuroendocrine cells. The diffuse neuroendocrine hyperplasia
is not considered pre-neoplastic lesion (1).
The lung neuroendocrine neoplasms are a wide range
of entities phenotypic, biologically distinct, starting from the typical and
atypical carcinoids up to small cell lung cancer and lung cancer with neuroendocrine
The neuroendocrine appearance is highlighted
through immuno-histochemistry and electron microscopy (2).
Small cell lung cancer forms simultaneously part
of the neuroendocrine tumors with neuroendocrine cell
lung cancer and typical and atypical carcinoids (3.4). Small cell lung cancer morphologically differs from neuroendocrine cell lung cancer but chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer has proven effective for lung cancer with neuroendocrine cells. They are very strong entities.
lung cancer and typical and atypical carcinoids (3.4). Small cell lung cancer morphologically differs from neuroendocrine cell lung cancer but chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer has proven effective for lung cancer with neuroendocrine cells. They are very strong entities.
Small cell lung cancer is a disease which responds
well to chemotherapy, being able to reach a favorable response rate of 70% -80%
of cases, of which over a third are complete responses (5). But instead the survival
duration is short and 75% -80% succumbs it in the first 2 years.
But from the 2004 WHO classification of tumors
resulted the oat-cell variant due to the lack of clinical and therapeutic
differences (3.4). Sometimes the lesions are mixed and 28% of the surgical
specimens have also shown a cancer component of non-small cell. It is necessary
that at least 10% of lesions be of pure type small cell cancers in order to
name it small cell cancer (5).
Regarding the susceptibility of small cell cancer
occurrence, it was noticed that the genetic variations of mi-RNA (micro-RNA),
which performs the control on the target genes, produce alterations of the
individual susceptibility in small cell lung cancer.
Thus have been identified 2SNP (single-nucleotide
polimorphism): rs3134615 and rs2291854 located in an area of the MYCL1 gene and
hASH-1 neural complex of development (human Achaete-scute homlog-1). It has
been identified that the alleles of the rs3134615 of the SNP is associated with
the increased risk for small cell cancer, probably by attenuation of interaction
with miRNA with hsa-miR-1827 leads to an altered gene expression of MYCL1 (6)
The small cell lung cancer, by definition, is a
proliferation that arises from the bronchial basal cells and expresses low molecular
weight cytokeratin.
The micro-cell carcinomas have a high mitotic rate
of the proliferation and can be distinguished by determining the Ki-67 index (proliferation
index). The small cell carcinoma is in fact an aneuploid neoplasm.
Another molecular signature TTF-1 (thyroid
transcription factor-1). It is present in high neuro-endocrine carcinomas and not
in carcinoid tumors (7).
The presence of TTF-1 helps in the differential
diagnosis with basaloid carcinoma (subset of the large cell lung cancer), which
is not the expression of TTF-1 (8.9).
The differential diagnosis is necessary to be
established between small cell cancer and lung or chest neuroectodermal tumors.
Differentiation is performed by the fact that these latter tumors have a
specific marker CD99 (MIC2) and do not express cyto-keratin and nor TTF-1
(8.9). However 25% of cases of small cell cancer show the marker CD99 (10).
Small cell cancer also shows 3 neuroendocrine markers:
chromogranin synaptophysin şi CD56 (neural
cell adhesion moleculeNCAM). CD56 is
considered to be the most sensitive marker in small cell cancer (11).
The disease severity and aggressiveness particularly
requires an early diagnosis. Recently (2011) has been studied the presence of
autoantibodies compared to 6 tumor-related antigens:p53,CAGE,NY-Eso-1, GBU 4-5,ANNEXIN-1,
SOX-2 and HU-D. In 55% of cases have been found - at least in an antigen of the
6 tumor antigen - autoantibodies. In 4 of the patients have been found
autoantibodies three months before being discovered the tumor. There have not
been found autoantibodies compared to ANNEXIN in any case of small cell cancer,
which may have a diagnostic value. The autoantibodies frequency varied between 4%
for GBU 4-5 and 35% for SOX2.
The test is required for detecting small cell
cancer in patients with high risk (12).
MOLECULAR genetic changes
involved in the pathogenesis of small cell cancer
This signaling pathway induces the neuroendocrine
differentiation through the making and reception of SHH signals in the epithelial
stem cell compartment. The cancer cell lines with small cell express SHH. SHH fixing
on the PATCH receiver leads to the activation of GLI 1 transcription factor.
This signaling pathway is activated in small cell
cancer and is involved in the malignant phenotype. The SHH pathway can be
blocked by means of a chemical substance, CYCLOPAMINE (extract of VERATRUM), which
blocks the cell proliferations (13).
hASH-1 is a transcription factor and plays an essential
role in the neural-endocrine determination and differentiation in the normal
development of the nervous system, of the endocrine endoderm cells (14,15)
In small cell cancer, non-small cell cancer with
neuroendocrine component and in bronchial carcinoid tumors, hASH -1 is found at
a high and uniform level (18). hASH-1 promotes the epithelial airway
proliferation and potentiates tumorigenesis in the event of losing the p53 and
pRb functions (16).
Data suggest that hASH -1 expression in tumors
with neuroendocrine component imitate (repeat) the development manner during embryonal
period (1). It intervenes in determining the tumor phenotype, but does not
interfere with its maintenance (1).
The p53 gene mutations are a frequent abnormality
in human cancers, including lung cancer. In lung cancer is more common in small
cell cancer than in non-small cell cancer. In small cell cancer is seen in 80%
of cases.
In small cell cancer is a close connection between
smoking and frequency, type and appearance of the mutation, with a prevalence
of G-T(1) transversions.
Downstream the p53 pathway more target genes are disordered,
the most frequent being the Bcl 2-Bax pathway and ratio between them (20,21).
Bcl 2 is negatively transcriptionally regulated,
unlike Bax, which is positively regulated by the p53 overregulation of Bcl 2
(which has antiapoptotic action) and Bax subregulation (which has proapoptotic
action) is more common in small cell cancer than in non-small cell cancer and
confirms us the resistance to apoptosis in small cell cancer.
Another transcriptional target-gene of the p53 is
FAS. This is a member of the transcriptional protein superfamily, Tumor
necrosis factor (TNF).
In contact with the FASL ligand, FAS induces
apoptosis by means of intracellular signaling pathways which include Caspase-8 and
FADD (FAS-associated death domain).
The FAS pathway alteration leads to resistance to
apoptosis in many human solid tumors including lung cancer (21,22).
The loss of FAS expression on the cell surface in neural
endocrine tumors correlates with the cellular resistance compared to FAS-mediated apoptosis (23)
In histochemical studies are seen in the case of small
cell cancer, a severe reduction or absence of FAS expression, as compared with
normal cells in 94% of cases.
In contrast, FASL is highly expressed in 90% of small
cell cancer cases, and in adenocarcinoma and squamous form is underexpressed - as
compared to normal - in 70% of cases.
The presence of FASL overexpression and FAS
underregulation in small cell cancer sugsests that tumor cells escape from the
suicidal action. This makes that the cells of the small cell cancer induce the
paracrine killing of cytotoxic T cells that express FAS. This is also confirmed
by the small number of lymphocytic infiltrates and in particular cytotoxic T
Caspase-8 is methylated in the cell lines of lung
cancer and can not contribute anylonger to the induction of apoptosis (24).
Retinoblastoma (Rb) is a tumor-supressing gene, which
encodes a nuclear protein that acts as a control point in the cell cycle in
phase G according to the state of phosphorylation, which is in part regulated
by p53. The stopping in G phase is accomplished by the hypophosphorylated form
of Rb, which is fixed on E2F1 and represses its transcriptional activity.
Rb is thus the major target-pathway of cell cycle
regulation (25).
The Rb(pRb) proteine along with p16INK4 and
CyclinD1 are the major components of the Rb pathway, which controls the transition
from phase G1 to phase S within the cell cycle.
p21 is an inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinases
(CDK). By this is prevented the Rb phosphorylation, allowing the stop in G1
Conversely, cyclin D1 together with CDK4 and CDK6
perfect the phosphorylation of Rb, with the release of the E2F1 transcription
factor, which is followed by the transition from the G1 phase to S phase, which
leads to an increased proliferation.
p16INK4 is a tumor-supressing gene. It is an
inhibitor that prevents the association of CDK4 and CDK6 cyclin-dependent
kinases with D-type cyclines.
The loss of p16INK4 expression is an early event
and is correlated with reduced survival (2-26).
In small cell cancer we have a reverse relation between
Rb and p16INK4.
In small cell cancer we have a direct relation between
Rb and cyclinD1.
All these shows us that Rb is the major pathway
target of the cell cycle regulation (1).
Small cell cancer and neuroendocrine cell cancer have
do not color in nuclear (immunohistochemical) terms for Rb protein.
Small cell cancer and endocrine cell cancer have
abnormalities of the Rb şi and p16INK4 pathways.
Carcinoidds are couloured positively nuclear for
Rb. Typical carcinoids have normal pathways, Rb and p16INK4. Atypical carcinoids
have partial abnormalities of the p16INK4 or Rb (2,27,28).
The intact Rb proteine is seen only in 10% in small
cell cancers.
Overexpression of cyclinD1 is noticed only in 1,3%
of small cell cancers.
The p16INK4 loss is only seen in 7% of small cell
Overexpression of cyclinE with the concomitant
loss of Rb is observed in 30% -40% of small cell cancer (1,29).
The Rb gene activation mechanism in small cell
cancer is not well known, mutations being more frequent on cell lines than in
tumors. There have been detected only 25% mutations - in small cell lung cancer
tumors-located in exons 13-18 or exons 20-24 of the Rb gene (1,29).
p14ARF is a product al of the CDKN2(INK4a) locus. Along
with p16INK4a is involved in cell cycle regulation.
p14ARF inhibits MDM2, promotes p53, which in turn
acts on p21, which fixing to Cyclin-CDK complexes, delays the cell cycle
progression and induces apoptosis in a dependent way (30) or/and independently
of p53 and MDM2 (1).
The loss of p14ARF through homozygous mutations of
the CDKN2A (p16INK4a) gene leads to an increase in the level of MDM2, which
induces the loss of p53 function and loss of cellular control.
MDM2 (murine double minute2) is an oncogene. MDM2 acts
on p53 namely by antagonizing its transcriptional activity and promotes its
degradation (31,32,33). This inhibitory effect on p53 is counter-attacked by p14ARF(34),
which, fixing on MDM2 inhibits the p53 degradation
(35). p14ARF prevents the regulation through negative feed-back by MDM2 on p53.
MDM2 was found expressed in 30% of cases of small
cell cancer and other neuroendocrine cancers accompanied by the exclusion of
p14ARF gene.
Between p14ARF and MDM2 there is an inverse
relation. The ratio MDM2/p14ARF higher than 1 shows a tumor phenotype with a
neuroendocrine component.
There is also an interaction between MDM2 and Rb,
namely: MDM2 inhibits the Rb regulation function through a mechanism still
unknown. The overexpression of MDM2 and (or) loss of p14ARF in small cell
cancer alters the p53 and Rb functions allowing the inactivation of p53 and Rb
pathways. Thus is favored the evasion of stopping in phases G2 and G1 of the
cell cycle (1) and we therefore have cell proliferation.
E2F1 is a transcription factor and is a key
component of the cell cycle, which acts through the transactivation of genes
necessary for entring into S phase
E2F1 is overexpressed in small cell cancer in 92%
of cases, and is undetectable in 90% of the cases of non-small cell cancer
(36). In small cell cancer, in contrast with non-small cell cancer, overregulation
of E2F1 is related to nuclear accumulation and an overexpression of multiple target
genes. E2F1 is overexpressed in small cell cancer and large cell neuroendocrine
cancer and is related to a high Ki-67 index and a ratio Bcl2/Bax>1. It was
not observed an enhancement of E2F1 (36). The Bcl2/Bax>1 ratio is correlated
with a low apoptotic index in neuroendocrine tumors. The ratio is higher in
small cell cancer compared to non-small cell cancer. This ratio correlates with
overregulation of E2F1 in small cell cancer. In non-small cell cancer we have a
Bcl2/Bax<1 ration and a low expression of E2F1.
E2F1 is involved in human carcinogenesis and is
released by Rb phosphorylation.
The E2F1 overregulation is likely to be responsible
for cyclin E overregulation in small cell cancer, where there is a lack of Rb,
as cyclin E is one of the transcription target of E2F1. Disturbance of E2F1 in
neuroendocrine lung tumors suggests that this disorder is involved in
carcinogenesis (36).
During tumorigenesis E2F1is involved both as
oncogene (Johnson in 1993, quote 36) or tumorsupressing gene (Pierce in1999, quote
36), this depending on the context and the ability to induce cell proliferation
and (or) or apoptosis dependent or not on p53.
In small cell cancer E2F1 acts as oncogene, is
overregulated, the small cell cancer is the most proliferative and aggressive
form of lung cancer. As oncogene leads to uncontrolled proliferation probably
by counteracting the action of tyrosine-kinase inhibitors.
As a future therapeutic option, we have to
neutralize the E2F1production in small cell cancer to inhibit proliferation and
in non-small cell cancer-inverse must induce the E2F1 expression to restore
apoptosis (36).
Deletions to 3P chromosome
Most small cell cancers have allelic losses in 3p
segment. This is an area rich in genes. Genes showing LOH (loss of heterozygozity)
are usually tumor suppressing genes.
Among the genes located in the 3p region, involved in small cell cancer, we
The FHIT(3.14.2)
gene is involved in the regulation of apoptosis and the cell control (37). The FHIT
gene is subregulated (loss of the FHIT protein expression) in over 80% of small
cell cancers (38). This forwards the cell proliferation.
(class 3 semaphorin) gene is very frequently altered in lung cancer and in
particular in small cell cancer. It is located in the 3p.21.3 and loses
function in the 3p deletions area.
1(Ras-associated domain family 1A) gene is located in the 3p.21.3 and is a
candidate tumor suppressing gene. It also intervenes in cell cycle progression
through interaction with the Rb pathway. In lung cancer undergoes allelic losses.
The gene shows 2 products (1A and 1C), of which RASSF1A undergoes an epigenetic
inactivation in lung cancer by hypermethylation of the region concerned, and in
particular in small cell cancer reaching 90% of cases (39). Normally it has the
ability to suppress also the growth on experimental data - it has
antitumorigenic action (39,40).
3B gene is also located in 3p.21 area and is potentially a tumor-suppressor
gene. It has been found its methylation in non-small cell cancer, but this has
not been observed in small cell cancer.
tumor-suppressor gene located in the 3p.24.26 area is RAR-beta. The retinoic
acid has a role in lung development and cell differentiation by its interaction
with nuclear retinoid receptors encoded by the RAR-beta or RAR-XR gene. It was
observed in 72% of cases of small cell cancer an epigenetic inactivation by
methylation of RAR-XR(40).
Human telomerase reverse transcriptase is a
ribonucleoprotein that synthesizes telomeric sequences, which decreases with
each cell division. In cancer cell this activity leads to unlimited (immortal) proliferation.
Almost all small cell cancers have a high
telomerase activity (41,42,43). Telomere shortening acts as a mitotic clock.
Cells telomerase activity is expressed by hTERT,
which is a reverse transcriptase catalytic subunit. There is a concordance
between the hTERT protein expression and telomerase activity detection.
Telomerase activity can be used as a diagnostic
marker. In small cell lung cancer, telomerase activity is low in its squamous form
and very low adenocarcinoma . Instead is very high in small cell cancers, large
cell cancer, basaloid form, and neuroendocrine cell lung cancer.
In immuno – histochemical terms is observed a diffuse
and intense nuclear small cell cancer and in basaloid form of the large cell
cancer, while in adenocarcinoma and squamous form of the non-small cell cancer is
seen a nuclear or nucleolar staining (44 ) . The telomerase expression is lower
in stage I and increases along with the extension of disease. Nucleolar
staining is also correlated with a shorter survival.
Thus, the telomerase expression is distinct among
the histo-pathological subsets of lung cancer and influences prognosis.
VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is a
signaling protein involved in vasculogenesis (formation of the circulatory
system) and angiogenesis (vascular growth from pre-existing vessels). Its
activity is restricted only to endothelial cells.
All members of the VEGF family stimulate the cellular
response by fixing tyrosine-kinase receptors from the cell surface. There are
three tyrosine-kinase receptors on the cell surface: VEGFR-1(Flt-1),
VEGFR-2(Flk-1(KDR) and
VEGFR-3(Flt-4)(45,46). VEGFR-2 seem to mediate almost all cellular responses known.VEGFR-1
and VEGFR-2 have a role in the normal development of the lung and maturation of
the alveolar epithelial cells (47).
VEGF is secreted by the tumor cells. Also the
receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 are expressed in tumor cells (1).
There have
also been discovered further 2 receptors of VEGFR-2: neuropilin-1 and
neuropilin-2 (NP1 and NP2) which have been found in neuronal cells and
endothelial cells and are expressed in various tumor cells. VEGF may be
involved either directly through an autocrine manner, or indirectly by NP1 and
NP2 receptors (48).
Several tumor cells, including lung cancers,
express VEGFR-1,VEGFR-2, as well as NP 1 and NP 2(48).
Another neuropilins ligand is SEMA 3F, which is an
antagonist of VEGF.
SEMA 3F was isolated from the 3p region, the
region where there are losses of heterozygosity in lung tumors. SEMA3F has a
tumor suppressor activity, which is mediated by the reduction of the integrin
activity, of the adhesion to extracellular matrix components and lowering of
MAPK signaling pathway phosphorylation (49). SEMA 3F also has an apoptotic and
antimigratory role. It plays an important role in cell adhesion. Loss of SEMA
3F in small cell cancer is significant and contributes to the pathogenesis of
small cell cancer (1).
SEMA3F links to NP1 şi NP2 and splits with VEGF this
connection, becoming an antagonist of the VEGF. There is thus a competition
between VEGF and SEMA3F for binding to NP1 and NP2receptors.
The SEMA3F loss and VEGF165 gain leads to tumor
growth. SEMA3F loss is significant in small cancer cells and contributes to its
pathogenesis. This loss is early in small cell cancer and is related to an
increased tumor aggressiveness (49).
The early alteration of the VEGF-SEMA3F-NP pathway
is seen during the lung cancer progression (48).
Small cell lung cancer is characterized by the invasive
growth of tumor cells , with a tendency to metastasize early, making it contra-indicated
for surgery.
E- cadherin is a member of the CADHERIN family
that mediates calcium-dependent cell adhesion. It is a transmembrane
glycoprotein. It plays an important role in carcinogenesis and tumor invasion.
Beta catenin is a cytoplasmic protein which interacts
directly with E- cadherin. It links this molecule to actin-cyto-skeleton, via
alpha-catenin. The cell adhesion function depends on the integrity of the
entire network: E-cadherin, beta-catenin , actin (1). The regulation
lowering of E-cadherin leads to decrease differentiation and increases the tumor
aggressiveness and metastasis frequency.
In neuroendocrine tumors has been ovserved a very
common alteration of E- cadherin expression and Beta Catenin in 90 % of cases.
In small cell cancer Beta- Catenin does not stain. This is in contrast to the
carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer where there is an activation of Beta-Catenin
In small cell cancer Beta-Catenin is located in the
area of 3p deletions, namely in 3p21.3
area, having rather a role of tumor supressor gene, than oncogene(1).
Tyrosine-kinase receptors are key-molecules in
normal cellular differentiation. They are involved in the etiology of malignant
tumors. They are usually disordered or mutated in human cancers and are
attractive target molecules within the selective inhibitor therapy (53).
- The KIT tyrosine/kinase receptor along with the PDGF
(platelet derived growth factor) receptor
facilitate (lead) an intra cytoplasmic signal cascade which in turn
leads to cell growth (54,55,56,57).
The activation of c-KIT tyrosine-kinase through
stem cell factor is one of the mechanisms proposed to explain the pathogenesis
of small cell cancer (58). 70% of small cell cancers express the KIT tyrosine
kinase receptor and its ligand, STEM CELL FACTOR(SCF)(59). There are not known
many data on the PDGF receptor in small cell cancer cells (1).
The action of KIT/SCF may be inhibited by means of
an inhibitor of tyrosine-kinase named STI571 which inhibits the KIT activation
mediated by SCF(59). STI571 also inhibits the MAPK and AKT activation mediat by
SCF, but has no effect on Insulin-Like Growth Factor. It is an inhibitor of
growth. It blocks or slows relapse after chemotherapy. It can be administered
along with Carboplatin and Etoposide (59,60).
- MET is
the product of c-MET proto-oncogene and is a receptor-kinase. Together with its
ligand, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are involved in epithelial-mesenchymal
transition in proliferation, cell life increase, in angiogenesis, activates
cell motility, raises the invasion and is over expressed in many solid tumors
(58). The aberrant activation of MET causes a cascade of cytoplasmic signals
that lead to further activation of multiple signal transduction and
transcription (58,61,62,63). c-MET appears to be activated in a paracrine way,
while HGF is produced by the stromal cells.
c-MET over expression and mutations may lead to
carcinogenesis in multiple tumors. In lung cancer we find a high level of c-MET-mRNA.
In small cell cancer is expressed and phosphorylated. The MET / HGF pathway
contributes to the invasive phenotype developments and has an important role in
oncogenesis of small cell lung cancer (58). The pathway activity of hepatocyte
growth factor / c-MET may be inhibited by means of compound Geldanamycin that reduces
the phosphorylation of c-MET proteins. This leads to the inhibition of growth,
cell viability in small cell cancer, leading to apoptosis (58).
cell lung cancer is a malignant tumor with small cell and a very high
nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio.
are not known. It simultaneously belongs to the neuro-endocrine tumors which
are highlighted through histo-chemical methods and data from the electron
responds very well to treatment, the survival time is short. In order to be termed
small cell cancer it has histologically show at least 10% injuries with the appearance
of small cell cancer.
cell cancer is a proliferation that arises from the bronchial basal cells. It
has a high proliferation rate. It is an aneuploid neoplasm.
is present at a high level diagnostic value for differentiating it from the
basaloid carcinoma.
three neuroendocrine markers, the most sensitive for diagnosis is CD56(NCAM)
Molecular genetic changes in the pathogenesis
of small cell cancer.
pathway induces the neuroendocrine differentiation and is activated and
involved in the malignant phenotype of small cell cancer.
transcription factor, involved in neuroendocrine differentiation, is present at
high levels in small cell cancer.
p53 gene mutations are present in 80% of small cell cancers cases.
The gene
Bcl 2 – an antiapoptotic gene - is overregulated and the pro-apoptotic Bax gene
is subregulated in small cell cancer.
transcriptional gene that induces apoptosis is reduced in small cell cancer.
Instead the ligand (FASL) is highly expressed. This leads to the tumor cells escape
from apoptosis and contributes to proliferation.
is the major pathway of regulating the cell cycle. pRb together with p16INK4 şi
cyclin D1 are the major components of the Rb pathway that controls the
transition from the G1 phase to S phase of the cell cycle. In small cell cancer
we have an inverse relation between Rb and p16INK4a and direct relation between
Rb and cyclin D1. Small cell cancer and neuroendocrine cell cancer have abnormalities
of the Rb and p16INK4 pathways.
of the p53 pathway, p14ARF is involved
in regulating the cell cycle.
MDM2 is
an oncogene which acts negatively on the p53gene. This inhibitory effect is
counteracted by p14ARF, which are attached to MDM2 and inhibits the p53 degradation
MDM2/p14ARF>1 ration shows a tumor phenotype with neuroendocrine component. MDM2
overexpression and (or) p14ARF loss of small cell cancer lead to the p53 and Rb
pathways inactivation, which leads to the increase of proliferation
transcription factor, is a key component of the cell cycle. It is overexpressed
in 92% of small cell cancer cases. It is associated with a high Ki-67 and a Bcl
2/Bax>1 ratio. E2F1 is responsible for overregulating the cyclin E in small
cell cancer where Rb lacks. The E2F1 disorder in small cell cancer suggests its
involvement in carcinogenesis.
The genes
located in the 3p area and are involved in small cell cancer, are the
FHIT gene
is underregulated in 80% of small cell cancer cases, facilitating the cell
3F gene is frequently altered in small cell cancer.
gene is inactivated in 90% of small cell cancer cases.
gene is inactivated through metilation in is inactivated.
The telomerase
activity is very high in small cell cancer. Telomerase expression increases along
with the disease extension. Immuno-histochemically there is a diffuse nuclear
staining in small cell cancer
a signaling protein involved in vasculogenesis and angiogenesis and stimulates
the cell response by fixing on the tyrosine-kinase receptors of cell surface.
VEGF, VEGR-1, VEGFR-2 are secreted by tumor cells.
are also 2 receptors, NP1 and NP2, which are expressed by the tumor cells. Cells
in lung cancer express VEGF and tyrosine-kinase receptors.
is also a ligand of the SEMA3F neuropilins, which is an antagonist of the VEGF.
It has and apoptotic and anti-migratory role. There is a competition between
VEGF and SEMA3F for connecting to the NP-1 and NP-2 neuropilins.
The loss
of SEMA3F in small cell cancer is significant and contributes to the
pathogenesis of small cell cancer and is related to an increased aggression.
The E-cadherin
and beta-catenin complex mediates cell adhesion. In tumors with neuroendocrine
component is altered the expression complex in 90% of cases.
tyrosine-kinase receptor together with the PDGF receptor are inactivated and
induce a cascade of intra-cytoplasmic signals leading to cell growth. 70% of
small cell cancers express the KIT tyrosine-kinase receptor and its ligand SCF (stem
cell factor). The KIT activation through SCF is one of the mechanisms of
pathogenesis of small cell lung cancer
product of c-MET proto-oncogene) is a tyrosine-kinase receptor and has HGF as
ligand (Hepathocyt growth factor). The MET/HGF pathway contributes to the development
of invasive phenotype and plays a role in the oncogenesis of small cell cancer
by its aberrant activation (overexpression or aberrations).
Micro-cell carcinomas have a high rate of proliferation.
This is highlighted by determining the Ki-67 index.
1) The SHH signaling pathway is activated in
small cell lung cancer and is involved in developping the malignant phenotype
and in neuroendocrine differentiation.
2) The hASH transcription factor is present at
high levels, promotes the epithelial airway proliferation and enhances the
tumorigenesis, when losing the functions p53 and pRb.
3) The p53 gene mutations is very common in
small cell lung cancer. This leads - downstream - to the disorder of several
target genes including:
- overregulation
of Bcl 2, underregulation of Bax and increase of Bcl/Bax ratio,
- alteration of
FAS pathway, leads to resistence towards the apoptosis mediated by it (FAS),
- FAS underregulation and FASL (ligand) overexpression
favors the proliferation.
4) Caspase-8 methylation impedes apoptosis, leading to proliferation
5) Rb phosphorylation through the summarized
action of cyclinD1 together with CDK4 and CDK6 leads to the release of the
transcription factor E2F1, which is followed by the transition from the G1
phase to the S phase of the cell cycle, leading to proliferation. To these can
be added the loss of p16INK4A expression, which in turn may only hamper the association
of cyclin-dependent-kinases CD4 and CD6 with cyclines of type D and overexpression
of cyclinE.
6) The loss of p14ARF through homozygous mutations leads to an
increase in MDM2, which further induces the p53 loss of function and therefore
loss of cell cycle control. Thus is enhanced the proliferation.
7) The E2F1 transcription factor is overexpressed
in small cell lung cancer in 92% of cases and practically not observed in
non-small cell lung cancer. It is released by phosphorylation of Rb.
Simultaneously with the absence of Rb leads to cyclinE over regulation.
E2F1 acts as overregulated
oncogene in small cell lung cancer, leading to an aggressive proliferation,
probably by counteracting the tyrosine-kinase inhibitors.
8) Loss of the FHIT protein expression (underregulation), SEMA3F gene
alteration, alteration by hypermethylation of the tumor suppressor gene
RASSF1A, RAR-XR gene inactivation lead to cell proliferation.
9) Telomerase activity is very high in small cell lung cancer, activity
that increases along with the disease stage, compared to non-small cell lung
cancer. It is a diagnostic marker.
10) The angiogenic factors involved in small cell lung cancer are:
The VEGF signaling protein involved in
vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Family members stimulate the cell response by
determining the tyrosine-kinase receptors from the cell surface VEGFR1 and
VEGFR2. VEGFR2 also shows 2 receptors Neuropilin1 (N) and neuropilin 2 (NP2). All
are expressed in tumor cells. In addition there is a SEMA3F which is a ligand
of neuropilins and VEGF antagonist. It has a tumor-suppressor action. It is an
antagonist of VEGF, binding to the NP1 and NP2 neoropilins. In small cell lung
cancer, the SEMA3F loss and VEGF165gain lead to tumor growth and aggressiveness.
11) the altered expression of E-Cadherin Beta-Catenin is frequent in
90% of cases of small cell lung cancer. The regulation lowering of E-cadherin
leads to decrease differentiation, increases tumor aggressiveness and frequency
of metastasis. The cell adhesion phenotype depends on the network integrity.
12) The tyrosine-kinase receptors are key molecules in cell
In small cell lung cancer 70% of the cases express
the KIT tyrosine-kinase receptor and its ligand Stem Cell Factor (SCF). Kit
activation by SCF is one of the mechanisms of small cell lung cancer
MET, the oncogene product of c/MET is a tyrosine /kinase
receptor, which together with its ligand, HGF, are involved in the
epithelial-mesenchymal transition, in proliferation. It is overexpressed and
phosphorylated in small cell lung cancer. The MET /HGF pathway contributes to
the invasive phenotype development and has role in small cell lung cancer
MYCL1 is a transcription factor involved in lung
cancer with localization in the area 1p34.3.
GL1- gliom associated oncogene homolog-1(zinc finger protein) Is
a transcription factor activated by the Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway, which
acts on the stem-cell compartment and induces the neuroendocrine
differentiation. The Sonic Hedgehog pathway is activated in small cell cancer.
SSH (SONIC HEDGEHOG HOMOLOG-1 is a protein from the Hedgehog
signaling pathway. In adults controls the cell division of stem cells cycle and
is involved in the development of some cancers. There is a Hedgehog inhibitor
named Robotnikin.
hASH-1 (human achaete-scute homolog-1) is a
transcription factor crucial to the development of sympathetic nervous system.
It is present in the cells of small cell lung cancer, lacks in non-endocrine
CD99 is a human surface glycoprotein encoded
by the CD99 gene. It is expressed in all leukocytes, especially in tymocites.
Increases T cells adhesion and apoptosis and participates in migration and
Graninele (chromogranin and secretogranin ) are a
family of proteins, which are found in a variety of endocrine and
neuroendocrine cells.
Synaptophysin is a membrane
glycoprotein. Is present in neoplasms with neuroendocrine component.
CD56 (neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM) is
a glycoprotein expressed on the neurons surface, Naturall Killer cells, T cells
activated in the endocrine tissue. It is present in small cell lung cancer,
along with other neuro-endocrine neoplasms.
Tumor Antigenes - p53, CAGE1, N Y-Eso-1, GBU4-5, ANNEXIN, SOX2, HU-D.
CASPASE 8. Is a member of
the Cysteine-Aspartic Acid Protease
(caspase) family. Plays a major role in the execution phase of cell apoptosis
induced by FAS and other apoptotic stimuli.
FAS receptor is an
important cell surface receptor protein, which is part of the TNF family (tumor
necrosis factor) and is also known under name CD95. Induces apoptosis by
attaching to the FAS LIGAND.
p14ARF is a
product of the CDKN2A locus.
p16INK4A and p14ARF are
involved in cell cycle regulation. p14ARF inhibits MDM2, promoting p53, which
activates p21, which in turn inactivates CDK (cyclin-dependent-kinase).
Cyclin –dependent – kinases usually promotes
transcription genes, leading (pushing) cell cycle to S phase. The loss of
p14ARF through homozygous mutation and of the p16INK4A gene leads to the increased
expression of MDM2, which further leads to the loss of p53 function, leading to
the loss of cycle cell control.
FHIT Fragile hystidine triad protein is a tumor
supressor gene. It acts simultaneously with the VHL gene, another
tumor-suppressor gene that protects the appearance of chemical etiology lung
SEMA3F is a protein secreted by the SEMAPHORIN 3 family.
They are signaling molecules.
RASSF is a gene with function of
tumor-suppressor gene. Its altered expression of the mutations is related to
its pathogenesis of some cancers.
RAR-beta is part of a
superfamily of nuclear regulators of transcription. It attaches to the retinoic
acid and interferes with cell growth and in differentiation.
FLT-1 D3 human(VEGFR-1 D3 recombinant) is a protein
encoded by the FLT-1gene. It is part of the SRC gene family. Has a
tyrosine-protein kinase activity. Controls the cell proliferation and
KDR (kinase insert domain receptor) is a type III tyrosine-kinase
receptor. Is known as VEGFR-2 kinase, as CD309or as FLK-1 (fetal liver kinase)
CD (cluster differentiation). It is a
protocol for the classification of cell surface molecules present on leukocytes,
being targets for immuno-phenotyping of cells. Act as receptors or ligands (the
molecule that acts on receptors). Intervene in signaling and adhesion.
FLT4. Is a protein encoded by the FLT4 gene.
This gene is a tyrosine-kinase receptor for VEGF- C şi VEGF- D, which are
involved in lymphangiogenesis.
NRP (neuropilin)-1. Is a
protein encoded by the NRP-1 gene. Is a receptor protein, which binds to VEGF and SEMAPHORIN.
NRP(neuropilin)-2. Is a
receptor protein encoded by the NRP-2 gene. It binds to the SEMA 3F protein and
interacts with VEGF. It has a role to developments in cardio-vascular
tumorigenesis and in axon guidance.
MAPK is a serine-threonine
protein kinase involved in the gene expression, mitosis, differentiation,
proliferation, cell survival, apoptosis.
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