marți, 24 septembrie 2013


The Clinical Department of Radiobiology from the Fundeni Clinical Institute,

Alina Halpern, PhD,  "Sf. Stefan" Hospital, Bucharest


Since 2000 a new era has begun in the treatment of lung adeno-carcinoma (ADC), which will improve, diversify, enrich the chemotherapy treatment of lung cancer (PA) which becomes the targeted treatment for a heterogeneous disease. The tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (ITK) have effect only upon ADC with EGFR mutations.
The most frequent mutations are at the level of the 19th exon  through deletion and at the level of the 21st exon  through punctiform mutations (T858R)
The EGFR and Kopi mutations, after the stimulation of ligands, undergo a homo or heterodimerization, leading to the autophosphorylation of the ATP / EGFR group, which in turn activate the pathways: PI3K/AKT, JAK/STAT and Ras/MAPK which further lead to cellular growth, survival and proliferation. The ITK blocks the ATP- EGFR phosphorylation, leading to the increase of cellular apoptosis. But after a period
of treatment has emerged the resistance against ITK by the occurrence of  the T790M mutation and the amplification of c-MET. These result in the activation of other signaling pathways, renewing the cell growth. This was possible due to the reversible connection of ITK with ATP- EGFR. In this manner have appeared  the irreversible inhibitors, a further step in the treatment of this sub-set of ADC, which are currently being tested.

Lung Cancer (LC) comprises two main groups: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.

Within the non-small lung cancer we have 3 sets:adenocarcinoma (41-.43%), squamous form (30%) and large cell  cancer.

In most of non-small cell tumors of the LC, the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) is highly expressed (2). This is associated with another disorder of other signaling pathways, which furthers the tumor growth and affects the prognosis.

Thus becomes rationally the therapy targeted with inhibitors tyrosine-kinases (ITK) or anti-EGFR antibody therapy as Cetuximab (1)

The first inhibitors of tyrosine-kinases have been gefitinib (Iressa) and erlotinib (Tarceva).

They could have been implemented due to the effectiveness of their actions, they are small molecule medications, reversible and have a low toxicity (2, 3).

The action of these 2 inhibitors of tyrosine-kinases has been outlined between 2002-2004 (1, 4, 5, 6), which have demonstrated the association between the EGFR mutations and the response to gefitinib treatment in non-small cell lung cancer (4, 5, 6)


In genes and chromosomes, which usually are steady, sometimes occur sudden changes, which are called mutations. These mutations happen either to a single gene or to the chromosome change. Mutations lead to acquiring some functional properties. They are most frequently found in non-small cell lung cancer and rarely in ovary cancer, colon cholangiocarcinoma (4).

The function of 2 ITK is possible only in case of emergence of mutations in EGFR level. Mutations increase the susceptibility to the treatment with ITK, leading to cell death (1, 7, 8). The G719S and L858R point mutations, as well as deletion mutations at the level of exon 19 are associated with sensitivity to the action of tyrosine-kinase inhibitors.

Mutations by insertion in the exon 20 are associated with the primary resistance. Instead the T790M point mutation is a secondary mutation and is associated with resistance to tyrosine-kinase inhibitors.

The EGFR mutations appear between the exon 18 and exon 21. There are two types of mutations:
·        through deletions in exon 19 in a percentage of 45%;
·        by point mutation in exon 21 in a percentage of 40%  (L858R).
The most common are in the exon 19 (9).

The mutation frequency prevailed in East Asians 30-40% and in Europeans 10-15% (8-5), and according to other authors was between 25-50% in East Asians and 10% in Europeans and USA Americans (7). No one knows the cause of this difference.
Mutations are more frequent in women, non-smokers and lung adenocarcinoma (10).The frequency of mutations prevail in adenocarcinoma 53% (115 cases out of 215).

In adenocarcinoma the mutations have been connected with:
 non-smokers               74% (83 cases out of 111);
 women                        66% (87 cases out of 131) (11).

The histologic differentiation was:
well differentiated          63%(55 cases of 86);
poorly differentiated      31% (11 cases of 41).

The mutation frequency drops with the increase in the number of cigarettes:
non-smokers                74,8%;
passive smokers          61,1%;
ex- smokers                 35,7%;
active smokers 19%.

Also,13% have been double mutations (11).      

Ligand binding to EGFR stimulates the autophosphorylation and activation of signaling by promoting both cell proliferation (via MAPK-ERK) and survival (via AKT-STAT). Comparing with the wild type, the mutant receptors preferentially activate survival pathways and their inactivation by tyrosine-kinase inhibitors removes the survival signals on which they have become dependent.

Further, altering the other signaling pathways downstream, the EGFR mutations are inside the binding place with the ITK and increase the inhibition of receptor activation.

The EGFR mutations mechanism of action  

Tumors with EGFR mutations are dependent on the EGFR signaling for growth, survival and proliferation (2,12).

The EGFR protein is a member of the Erb tyrosine-kinase family. Along with the EGFR protein, ErbB2 (HER2) and ErbB3 play an important role.

After ligands stimulation, the EGFR undergoes a homo or heterodimerization, leading to autophosphorylation of the ATP / EGFR group. Other intracellular signaling proteins are further activated (10, 13).

There are several signaling pathways that activate and include the following pathways: Ras/MAPK, PI3K/AKT, JAK/STAT (10, 13). Their activation lead to cellular growth, survival, proliferation.

To this mechanism also contribute ErbB2 (Her2) and ErbB3.

ErbB2 (Her2). Connecting Her2 with EGFR mutations raises the ErbB3 signaling (10). Also Her2  predicts the sensitivity in treatment with ITK in cancer with EGFR mutations (10-14 )

ErbB3 is tyrosine-kinase phosphorylated and contributes to the activation of secondary signaling pathways (down-streams) in cancers sensitive to the treatment with ITK / EGFR. To this experiment has been observed a correlation between sensitivity to ITK and ErbB3 expression (10, 15, 16, 17).

The mutations presence, activation of signaling pathways (PI3K-AKT), association of ErbB2 (Her2) with EGFR mutations and ErbB3 expression - all increase the sensitivity to the treatment with ITK-EGFR.

In reality however there are lung cancers in which EGFR do not control these pathways, which makes the use of ITK to become ineffective. These other pathways lead to activation of secondary signaling pathways making ITK treatment ineffective and thus drug resistance arises.


Together with the EGFR mutations study, it has been achieved to obtain the number of copies of the EGFR gene. This has become possible with the emergence of FISH method (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) which highlights the number of copies of the EGFR gene (1, 19).

These data have been correlated with the increasing sensitivity in ITK(1, 19, 20).

A high number of copies is deemed starting from 3 or more copies.

Linking the number of copies with EGFR mutations increases the response to the treatment with ITK. Thus:
- FISH-positive patients (high number of copies) had an increase of survival after treatment with ITK, compared to placebo (1, 21, 22)

The ONCOBEL  research showed that 67% of tumor samples have been FISH positive (1, 23). The presence of amplification by increasing copies number, along with mutations raise the proportion of positive results after treatment with ITK.

RATE of response to treatment with ITK is higher in FISH-positive patients compared to the negative FISH (68% compared to 9,1%) (24)

TIME FOR THE absence of tumor progression is longer  in FISH-positive patients (7.6 months) than in FISH-negative ones (2.7 months) (1,  4, 25).

The copy number enhancement together with the EGFR mutations in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with gefitinib led to the a favorable result of 82% compared to the control group of 11%.

The survival has been 20.4 months in those with EGFR mutations and copies and 6.9 months in the control group (4, 26).

The EGFR mutations and high number of copies are associated with better clinical outcomes in those treated with gefitinib (4,25). Generally copies are a absence time forecaster for the tumor progression (4).


In cancers with EGFR mutations, if EGFR are inhibited through ITK, the activation of EGFR-dependent signaling pathways will be stopped. The cancer cell reaction is to look for other ways to maintain its activity and thus resistance occurs.

Long-term administering (8-9 months up to 1-2 years) leads to a secondary resistance, clinically displayed by relapse or tumor progression (1, 27).

The mechanism of secondary resistance:
1)A SECONDARY T790M MUTATION APPEARS (1, 28, 29). It occurs at the level of exon 20 (1). This secondary mutation affecting the reversible connection between ITK and ATP / EGFR group and makes it inefficient (1, 10, 30, 31, 32). The emergence of resistance is explained  by the fact that the T790M mutation affects the reversible connection between ITK and the ATP- EGFR group and thus is maintained the activity of downstream signaling pathways. Only the continuance of PI3K/AKT pathway activity is sufficient to produce resistance to ITK (10, 33, 34, 35). The acquired resistance is linked to the secondary mutation which leads to the substitution of methionine for threonine in position T790M (10, 36). Now we have a secondary resistance, which is made through a 2nd degree mutation in other sites (36).
In exon 21 has also been noticed an adenine substitution for threonine at position 854 (T854A), which inhibits the EGFR-ATP phosphorylation (36).

In persons showing ITK treatment resistance the T790M secondary mutation is observed in a percentage of 50% (1, 9, 27). The presence of T790M mutation is the most common, although other mutations have also been found in exon 19-21 (1, 36, 37; 38).

The T790M mutation is noticed in women, nonm-smokersfumători and those having mutations through deletions (1).

       2) The second major mechanism for the occurrence of secondary resistance is the c-MET oncogene amplifying. It was seen in 20% of patients with secondary resistance to treatment with ITK-EGFR (1, 10, 32, 33, 36, 39).

C-MET  is a tyrosne-kinase receptor .

The c-MET amplifying activates by using ErbB3 the PI3K pathway independently of EGFR action. This allows the downstream signaling pathways (EGFR-dependent) to continue their activity despite the presence of ITK-EGFR (1, 40).

The MET amplifying appears independently of the T790M mutation presence, although they may also be  simultaneous (1, 39, 40).

The c-MET amplifying causes resistance by activating the PI3K-AKT pathway dependent on ErbB3 (39). By inhibiting the c-Met amplification can  be restored the ITK sensitivity (42).

Thus cancerous tumors which have become resistant to treatment with ITK through secondary mutations are dependent on kinase activation, leading to cell proliferation.

No secondary mutation was observed in patients with Kras mutations.

Fig. 5. The EGFR signaling in mutations of non-small cell lung cancer in patients with sensitivity or resistance to treatment with tyrosine-kinase inhibitors of EGFR

A) EGFR  phosphorylates ErbB3 in order to activate in patients with non-small cell lung cancer  and sensitive to the treatment with Gefitinib or Erlotinib. In such cancers, following the treatment with gefitinib or erlotinib, the EGFR, ErbB3 and AKT phosphorylation  stops.

B) Gefitinib or Erlotinib are unable to inhibit the EGFR phosphorylation in the presence of  T790M EGFR mutation. The EGFR signaling persists in the presence of Gefitinib or Erlotini, leading to the persistence of ErbB3 and AKT phosphorylation.

C) c-Met may also activate the PI3K-AKT signaling through ErbB3. In patients with non-small cell lung cancer, along with the c-MET amplification, gefitinib or Erlotinib can continue to inhibit the EGFR phosphorylation, but not the ErbB3 phosphorylation. This leads to a persistent activation of PI3K-AKT signaling via ErbB3 in a way independent of EGFR.

D) Other possible mechanisms in resistance to gefitinib or Erlotinib.

These potential mechanisms include alternative pathways for maintaining the PI3K-AKT signaling, either through the PI3K oncogene and by other kinases receptors that can activate the PI3K-AKT signaling in a way independent of ErbB3. In those cases Gefitinib or Erlotinib may inhibit EGFR and ErbB3 phosphorylation, but not also AKT phosphorylation (P. S. Hammerman, Past A. Janne Bruce, E. Johnson - Clinical cancer research  2009; 15/24 : 7502)


Mutations in codons 2, 12, 13 and 63 lead to the activation of ras protein and allows the cancer cell to grow irrespective of EGFR signaling and makes it resistant to the treatment with ITK-EGFR (1, 43).

In lung  cancer 95% of the Kras mutations are found in codons 12 and 13 (43).

The Kras mutations in smokers appear by transversion (changing a purine with a pyrimidine and vice versa (G—T, G—C) (43, 44).  The transversion ethiology G—T in patients with lung cancer is related to the the carcinogenic effect of cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from tobacco (43, 44, 45)

The G—T  transversion is not frequent in the adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutations. Instead the presence of Kras mutations in non-smokers is performed through transition (a purine is changed with other purine or a pyrimidine with other pyrimidine (G—A).

The Kras oncogene mediates an alternative mechanism by activating the PI3K/Akt pathway.

Activation of each gene leads to abnormalities in common signaling (43).

The frequency of KRAS mutations in ADC was 9.7% (21 of 215 patients) and was associated with smoking and histological grading, namely in the low differentiated form (43).

Kras mutations represent:
15%     in non-smokers;
22%     in ex-smokers;
25%     in active smokers.

Kras mutations are found in 25% of persons in Europe or USA and are rarely found in Eastern Asia. (1, 46).

Kras mutations increase in frequency in smokers with ADC and are rare in non-smokers ADC (43, 47).

Kras mutations are significantly correlated with : gender, age and smoking history (1, 43).

Kras mutations are resistant to the treatment with ITK-EGFR inhibitors (1, 36, 43) and following the treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy have a weak response as concerns the survival (43).

The Kras mutations are exclusive with EGFR mutations (1, 11,  48,  49).

Concerning the results of the treatment, we distinguish:
a) Patients with Kras mutations - no benefit after the treatment with ITK-EGFR.      
b) Patients without Kras mutations ( Kras wild) have a gain regarding survival (1, 22).

Patients with Kras mutations  treated with ITK have a lower survival than those treated with chemotherapy (1, 50).

The Kras mutations do not change the absence time of disease progression, but affects the overall survival, while EGFR mutations extend the absence time of disease progression compared with the wild EGFR genes (1, 51).

The Kras mutations as well as EGFR mutations have the ability to predict what would be the result following the treatment with ITK / EGFR or resistance to this treatment (1, 46, 51)


The occurrence of resistance - after a period of time - the treatment with inhibitors of the tyrosine-kinases made necessary the appearance of other substances to keep the favorable action, but to avoid the development of resistance.

Thus have appeared the irreversible inhibitors of tyrosine kinases.

The action target is EGFR. The maximum tolerated dose is 75mgr. Adverse reactions: diarrhea, nausea, rash.
Pelitinib links to EGFR, ErbB2 and ErbB4 covalently, irreversibly, inhibiting the EGFR phosphorylation and signal transduction, leading to apoptosis and suppress of the tumor proliferation which indicate over expression of  these receptors (1, 52).

 2) CANERTINIB (CI-1033).
Is a pan-Erb-tyrosine.kinase inhibitor. It is active on the 4 Erb members. Targets the EGFR and, by irreversibly inhibiting the signaling functions of transduction, the apoptosis and suppression of proliferation occurs (1, 40).

This is an irreversible inhibitor, aiming at EGFR and ErbB2(Her2). Through its action increases the time of tumor progression absence up to 14 months. Instead, the response rate is 58% and tumor reduction to 61%. T854A mutation can be overcome by administering BIBW 2992 (36)

 4) XL647
It is a potent inhibitor of tyrosine-kinases receptor, which are involved in tumor proliferation and tumor vascularization (EGFR, Her2, VEGF).
The dose was of 350mgr, for 5 days in 14 cicles. Adverse reactions: rash, diarrhea, nausea.
Clinical improvements have been obtained (40).

 5) PF-00299801.
It is a potent inhibitor of the EGFR mutations with T790M. It is effective in cancers with mutations or amplification of ErbB family members. It is an inhibitor of both wild ErbB2 and of ErbB2 mutation resistant to the treatment with ITK-EGFR (44, 54).


Is a single monovalent antibody that binds to the c-Met receptor and prevents the fixing of hepatocyte growth factor on the Met receptor, which in turn blocks the receptor stimulation and thus inhibits the MET signaling pathway, (which can be activated in cancer).

Met-Mab combined with erlotinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer improves both the time of disease non-progression and the overall survival.

Patients have been divided into 2 groups:
 - the first group has shown a high MET level,
- the other group shows a low level of MET. The dose was 15mgr/kg.body and intravenous administering.

The patients with overexpressed Met responded favorably – to the treatment with MED-MAB and Erlotinib having the survival time without disease progression of 12 weeks compared with those treated only with erlotinib or those with placebo only 6.4 weeks.

In patients with low MET expression, the result was very poor in all 3 combinations (55).

 2) ARQ 197has small molecules and activates on MET (1);

 3) XL184. Its targets are Erb, MET, VEGFR2 (1).

The elements that predict the response to treatment with ITK are:

 1) from the clinical point of view: female gender, non-smokers, East Asians.
2) from the anatomopathological point of view:
a) well differentiated adenocarcinoma (with EGFR mutations);
b) poor differentiated adenocarcinoma (with Kras mutations).
 3) in terms of mutations:
a) mutations through deletions from exon 19;
b) point mutations in exon 21: L858R mutations.
 4) in terms of location:                                                         
a) location in the central bronchi areas; adenocarcinoma with KRAS mutations;
b) location in peripheral areas - adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutations.


 1) The treatmentul with tyrosine-kinases inhibitors should be consideredt the first option in people with EGFR mutations;
 2) The test of EGFR mutations, of EGFR copies (amplification) and of Kras mutations is compulsory in the treatment of lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR inhibitors of tyrosine-kinases.
 3) In small cell lung cancer  most patients do not show EGFR mutations (1).


CODON: a sequence of three adjacent nucleotides constituting the genetic code and specifying the structural position of an amino acid in the polypeptide chain during the protein synthesis.

DELETION: chromosome aberration consisting of partial or total loss of an arm of a chromosome.

DIMER: a chemical structure consisting of two identical subunits (monomers).

EXON: is a sequence of nucleic acid.

TRANSDUCTIONS:the transfer of a genetic information from a cell to another through one vector.

TRANSCRIPTION: stage of a gene expression during which the information contained in a DNA sequence is copied in the form of a RNA sequence.

AKT/PKB: is a serin-threonin protein kinase. Plays a role in cell proliferation, apoptosis, transcription and cell migration.

ERK: extracellular signal-regulated kinases.

JAK: is a protein-kinase (Janus Kinase).

PI3K:  Phosphoinositide3-kinase plays an important role in many cellular functions. One effect of the PI3K is AKT. The AKT activation leads to phosphorylation and regulation of the kinases, transcription factors activity and other regulatory molecules.

STAT: the Signal Transducers and Activation of Transcription protein.


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