luni, 22 iulie 2013


POPESCU IULIAN PhD, MD, Clinical Department of Radiobiology
The Lung Disease Hospital "Sf. Stefan", Bucharest

THE CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) is characterized by the progressive airways narrowing and air flow limitation and related to an abnormal inflammatory process. In the inflammatory process take part: the structural cells, cells of the inherited and adaptive immunity: neutrophils, macrophages, T lymphocytes with the predominance of the Tc1 cells. Under the action of the etiologic factors multiple inflammatory mediators are released with the help of the transcription factor NFkappaB. These play a key role in orchestrating the chronic inflammation through their chemotactic and proinflammatory action. The chronic inflammation progresses in a very complex manner through the interaction of the native and adaptive immunity cells with the inflammation cytokines and mediators. The molecular basis of inflammation enlargement of is not well known, but it is - in part - genetically determined.
COPD is a disease characterized by not fully reversible airflow-limitation. That is usually progresive and associated with an abnormal inflammatory response.The pattern of inflammation in airways and lung parenchyma comprise cells of innate and adaptive immunity such as macrophages. T lymphocytes with predominantly CD8+{cito-toxic}T cells.
The impact of ROS (reactive oxidative species) gives rise to a release of multiple inflammatory mediators with the aid of the NF[kappa}B transcription factor. This plays a key role in orchestrating the chronic inflammation by your chemotactic and pro-inflammatory capacity. This chronic inflammation progresses into a very complicated inflammation pattern of innate and adaptive immunity interacting with cytokines and other mediators.The molecular basis of inflammation is not yet understood but may be, at least in part, genetically determined.

1) DEFINITION: is a disease characterised through the airflow limitation - incompletely reversible, which is usually progressive and associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the lung to the action of environment factors, gases, particles [3, 11, 1, 12]. The influence raises with the worsening of the disease [3, 13] and aggravates the airway obstruction.
2) Both COPDand the Lung Cancer (LC) are associated with smoking which, generating reactive oxidative species, induce a state of inflammation in the lung. In both diseases is met the activation of two transcription factors: NFkappaB and Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) leading to the alteration of expression of a number of genes.
The main characteristics IN LC and COPD[124]
Escape of apoptosis
Raised apoptosis
Self-sufficient growth
Matrix degradation
Insensitivity to antigrowth
Inefficient tissue repair
Sustained agiogenesis
Limited angiogenesis
Tissue invasion
Intense immune inflamation
Limited responses

It is not yet precisely known for what reason the inflammatory response is different in the two diseases. Perhaps this is due to the genetic polymorphism, in cancer being the genes that regulate the genomic integrity and in COPDit is the genes polymorphism that regulates the immune response towards tissue destruction [2]
The inflammatory model in COPDcomprises cells of the inherited and adaptive immunity such as neutrophils, macrophages, T lymphocytes with the prevalence of the Tc1 lymphocytes (CD + cytotoxic 8) in particular in the small airways and in severe cases the increase of neutrophils in the bronchial lumen [3, 13, 14].
In COPD, the inflammatory mediators are raised and derive from the lung inflammatory and structural cells [3, 15].
The cigarette smoke may activate the surface macrophages and epithelial bronchial cells that activate the chemotactic factors where chemokines predominate, which play a key role in orchestrating the chronic inflammation in COPD.
They are the first inflammatory elements that occur in all smokers, but in smokers with COPD this inflammation progresses into a very complex that contribute to the elements of the inherited and adaptive immunity, dendritic cells, T lymphocytes (Th1 and Tc1), to which it is added a complicated interaction of cytokines and mediators.
The molecular basis of the inflammation enlargement is not well known, but in part is genetically determined [4]

The oxidative stress is an important characteristic in COPD [3, 16]. The reactive oxidative species (ROS) can activate the NF-kappa B and activator protein-1 (AP-1)transcription factors, which potentiate the inflammatory response by activating several genes in COPD [3, 17].
Besides the cigarette smoke [3, 18] there are also the structural and inflammatory cells activated by tobacco in smokers lung and include the neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, epithelial cells, which in turn produce the ROS
The increase of the response is activated:
- either directly through the ROS activation on the target cells in the airways and parenchyma (alveoli)
- or indirectly through the pathways activation of transduction signaling and the NF-kappa B transcription factor. This is activated in airways and alveolar macrophages in patients with COPD and is also activated in the COPD exacerbations [3, 19].
This activation induces a neutrophilic inflammation by the raise of the expression of CXC8 (IL-8) and other CXC-chemokines, TNF-alpha (a cytokine) and MMP-9.
The oxidants also activate the MAPK pathways (mitogen-activated-protein-kinase), which regulates the expression of inflammatory genes, their survival in some cells and some aspects of the macrophage function [3, 20].
The MAPK and PI3K are signaling pathways of the transduction altered by ROS [1, 21, 22]. It was observed an increase of the p38MAPK phosphorylated expressiveness (one of three major MAPK pathways) in macrophages and alveolar wall of the COPD [1, 23].
The p38MAPK inhibitor - named SD282 – reduces the inflammation caused by tobacco, decreases the number of macrophages and neutrophils in the lavage liquid, an effect not noticed in glucocorticoids [1, 24].
ROS can also affect the antiproteases like alpha 1 antitrypsin and "secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor" and accelerates the elastin breaking in lung parenchyma [3, 25].
The ROS and NO may affect various cellular functions. It may cause the mitochondrial alterioration, breakings of the DNA chain and the proteins structural and functional changes that have as result the cell death [3, 26].
Such alterations to the proteins can make them to become antigenic and will result in the autoimmune response of T cells [3, 27].
This may be a mechanism for the adaptive immune response observed in COPD.
The oxidative stress plays a key role in the inflammatory process through their role on the nuclear histones [3, 28]. The histone acetylation plays a part in the nucleosome remodeling, which enables the access to various inflammatory sites or other genes.
The histone acetylation levels (HAT) correlate directly with the level of gene transcription.
Backwards, the spontaneous deacetylation through HDAC (histone deacetylase) or through corticosteroids, changes the histone acetylation and prevents the gene transcription and ends the inflammation cascade.
The oxidative stress caused by tobacco plays an important role in raising the level of acetylation (HAT) and decreasing the HDAC observed in epithelial cells, macrophages and neutrophils in smokers [3, 21].
The histone acetylation and HDAC inhibition are related to the increase of the inflammatory genes activity (AP-1 and NF-kappaB) that forward and maintain the inflammation [3, 21].
The mechanism by which ROS enhances the NF-kappaB activation is cellular-specific and different from the physiological activity. Also, the oxidative stress may affect the enzyme activity that leads to the NF-kappa B activatio [1, 29].
Along with the raise in the COPD severity, the lung tissue shows a gradual decrease in the HDAC activity (this is essential for the suppression of inflammatory genes by corticosteroids) [1, 30, 31].

They are the first line of defense and are able to release inflammatory mediators. The epithelial response to cigarette smoke is an attempt to protect and repair the injury [1-32]. The injury leads to the development of squamous metaplasia, which means the temporary replacement of columnar epithelium with squamous epithelium, an effect which is correlated with the airways obstruction. The squamous metaplasia affects the mucociliary clearance and raises the risk of appearing both the lung cancer and the COPD.
The airways squamous metaplasia increases along with the disease severity in COPD [1]. It was also observed a small increase in the rate of small airways proliferation in COPD [1, 34].
Epithelial cells release inflammatory mediators such as TNF-alpha, Inter leukin (IL)-1 beta, GM. CSF, CXCL8 (IL8), Leukotrien B4 [3, 35].
CXCL8 (IL-8) is a powerful chemo-attractant of the neutrophils.
The epithelial cells release C-C chemokines such as :
CCL-5 (RANTES), Protein. 1 chemoattractant of the monocytes and CCL-11 (Eotaxin) with activity in macrophages and dendritic cells [3-35]
The production and hypersecretion of mucus in the airways takes place through the EGFR activation by TNF-alpha and neutrophil elastase, probably mediated thourgh the protein kinase C [3, 35]. Tthey contribute to the decrease of FEV-1.
The epithelial cells can modulate the extracellular matrix by:
A) the direct production of matrix proteins such as fibronectin and collagen-mediated by TGF-alpha [3, 36].
B) by fibroblast activity (recruitment and proliferation by producing fibroblast growth factors of Type1and Type 2. To the airways remodeling also contributes the high expression of MMP 9 in epithelia [3, 37].
The alveolar epithelial response to injuries is in many respects similar to the response of the airway epithelium, but here the VEGF plays an important role in regulating the vascular growth. In moderate COPD it is notice an increase of the VEGF expression, but decreases in severe COPD with emphysema, which is associated with the endothelial cell apoptosis [3, 38].
The VEGF is, at the same time, a pro-inflammatory cytokine that is produced by the epithelial, endothelial, macrophages cells, activated T-cells, that act through the enhancement of the endothelial permeability on its way to be a chemoattractant of the monocyte. VEGF is an intermediate between the cell-mediated immune inflammation and angiogenic response associated [3-48].

The neutrophils are located particularly in the bronchial epithelium and bronchial glands [1, 39] and in close apposition with the airway smooth muscle fascicles [1, 40]. They are found in the bronchial lumen and distinguish by sputum and BAL [3, 41].
The neutrophils in sputum are increased in advanced COPD and are accompanied by the airway obstruction and the decline of the breathing function [1, 42, 43, 3, 44].
Smoking leads to the alteration of the neutrophil phagocytic capacity through suppressing the activity of caspase-3 in neutrophils. This results in a higher risk of over infections in patients with COPD [1-24]. The activated neutrophils are found in sputum and lavage fluid in COPD [3, 41].
The neutrophil recruitment in COPD is performed by more chemotactic signals. These derived from the epithelial cells, T-cells and alveolar macrophages. They include the CXC chemokines such as CXCL-1 (GRO-ALFA), CXCL5 (ENA. 78) CXCL-8 (Il-8), which acts through the CXCR-2 receptor, which are high in the COPD [3, 46].
The neutrophils have the ability to also induce tissue alteration and emphysema by releasing serine proteases, which include neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin G, protease 3, MMP8 and MMP9.
Ii is highly likely that the mucus hypersecretion is related to the neutrophilia in the airways and their proteases [3, 47].
The neutrophils, along with macrophages are effector cells.

Their role in COPD is uncertain. The presence of eosinophils in COPD predict a response to corticosteroids and may indicate the association of an asthma [3, 48. 1, 49, 50, 51].
The presence of eosinophils in COPD makes obvious a COPD subgroup.
It has been observed a raise of the Mast-Cell in the COPD airways [1, 52, 53]. They are seen in chronic bronchitis without obstruction and are not observed in chronic bronchitis with obstructive component [1, 54].

The airways smooth musculature
În COPD it was noticed an increase in the airways smooth musculature mici, even reaching 50% in stages III and IV [1, 55, 56].
The development degree of the smooth musculature is reversely correlated with the lung function [1, 55].
The muscle cells have not only contractile properties. They are capable of the expression and release of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, proteases and may participate in the inflammatory and remodeling processes [1 57, 58].
The cytokines and chemokines of interest in COPD released by the muscle cells are the following: IL-6, CXCL-8 (IL-8) CCL-2 (MCP-1) CXCL1 ( (GRO_alpha) CXCL 10 (IP-10) and the factor stimulating the macrophages and granulocytes-GM-CSF [1, 57, 59, 60, 61]
IL-1 beta proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-alpha, bradykinin induce the release of CXCL-8 (IL-8), which in its turn is a powerful chemoattractant and activator of the neutrophils, whereas IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha induce the release of CXCL-10 (IP-10) which is expressed in muscle cells of COPD [1, 59]. CXCL-10 (IP-10) is a strong chemoattractant of the monocytes, neutrophils, T cells (Th-1 cells preferably). The smooth muscle is a source of the factors of connective tissue growth such as CTGF and TGF-Beta (!). [62, 63]

The number of macrophages is 5-10 times higher in all lung compartments [3p-532]. Macrophages are very important effector cells in COPD through their potential of releasing ROS, extracellular matrix proteins, lipid mediators, chemokines and matrix metalloproteinases [1-64]. The macrophages number increases along with the COPD severity [3-54] and the emphysema severity [3-65].
The increasing number of macrophages in smokers is due to enhanced expression of the BCL-X (B cells with anti-apoptotic activity) and the increase in the cytoplasm of an inhibitor which regulates the cell cycle - (Cyclin-dependent - cip/waf-1 p21 kinase inhibitor [1-66] .This increase is characterized by the high expression of the Ki-67 proliferation marker [1-67].
The alveolar macrophages activated by the tobacco smoke release inflammatory mediators such as:
TNF-alpha, IL-1Beta, IL-6, IL+18, CXCL-8 (IL-8) and other CXC chemokines, CCL2 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1). All these prove a cell that links the smoking to the inflammation in COPD [3-68, 69]
Most of the inflammatory proteins produced by macrophages are regulated by the NF-kappa B transcription factor, which is activated in the alveolar macrophages in patients with COPD, especially in exacerbations [3-70].
The lung macrophages in smokers with COPD have an extended life time [3-66], probably due to IFN-gamma produced by theT cells.
The lung macrophages also secrete elastolite enzymes, which include:
MMP-9, MMP-2, MMP-12, K, L, and S cathepsins to which the neutrophil elastase is added.
The release of CXCL-1, TNF-alpha, and MMP is not inhibited by the glucocorticoid steroids in COPD smokers, due to the activity reduction in HDAC (hystone deacetylase), which does not happen in normal smokers.
There is an augmenting in the recruitment of circulating monocytes in response to the action of chemokines for monocytes, such as CCL-2 which is high in sputum, lavage fluid and lung macrophages in COPD [3-71].
Macrophages in COPD have a lower ability to phagocyte the apoptotic neutrophils - efferocytosis [1-72, 73]

These are a heterogeneous group of leukocytes, which have in common morphological characters, secretory properties and the expression of surface molecules.
The dendritic cells are considered sentinels of the body. These are in the first line of defense.
They trigger one of the two types of immunity, having the ability to stimulate the native T cells to and initiate an immune response. They can migrate from the periphery to the lymphoid tissues where stimulate and regulate the T cell function.
They may trigger the massive proliferation of native interferon, either specialises in cells that teach the immune system to recognize an pathogen. The presence of an intruder stimulates the dendritic cells. Further it is activated the pathway of PI3-kinase protein and the immune response is triggered.
Then in the core it is decided whether the native immunity can cope with the pathogen. If it cannot, the adaptive immunity is activated [3 - page 532].
They may play the part of a connection between the innate immunity and acquired immunity [10, 74.
]The accumulation of dendritic cells in the epithelium and small airway adventitia in COPD patients increases along with the disease severity [1, 74, 75].

The immune mechanism that leads to the inflammatory process in COPD is mediated by various types of immune cells.
There is an augmentation in the number of T lymphocytes in the lung parenchyma and airways in patients with COPD [1-76], an increase higher than CD + 8 than CD4 + [3-65, 75, 77].
Most of T cells in the lung with COPD are the subtypes Th1 and TC1.
The CD+4 and CD+8 cells from the lung with COPD show a high expression of CXC3. This is a receptor activated by the chemokines CXCL 9 (MIG), CXCL 10 (IP-10), CXCL 12 (I-TAC), which are increased in COPD [10, 78, 79]. This results in an accumulation of CD 4 and CD 8 cells.
CD+8 (Tc1) predominates to the CD + 4 (Th1) in the airways and parenchyma in COPD. Tc1 secretes IFN-gamma, which expresses CXCR3, suggesting that they are drawn into the lungs by the chemokines related to CXCR3- [10, -80, 79]
In the recruitment of T cells may also be involved the production of CCL5 (RANTES), which attracts CD +4 and CD+8 via CCR5. This production is increased in the COPD sputum compared to normal [10-79].
Tc1 releases B granzimes and peforin, which are found high in the patients sputum with COPD [10, 81]. They can induce the pneumocyte type1apoptosis, contributing to the emphysema development [10, 82].
Tc1 and Th1 which lead to the inflammation may selfperpetuate due to IFN-gamma, which stimulates the release of the CXCR3 ligand, attracting more Th1şi Tc1 in the lung.
The CD +8 cells enable important alterations in the lung. Besides the cellular apoptosis and alveolar cells cytolysis, they also produce a number of cytokines of type TNF-alpha, TNF-beta (lymphotoxin) and IFN-gamma [3-69].
The effector functions of the CD +4 are mediated by Th1-type cytokines, which stimulate the higher migration of inflammatory cells (so-called immune inflammation) [3-69]. The inflammatory process that conduces to COPD result from a complex of inflammatory cells and immune cells, mostly orchestrated by the T cells.
Thus it was suggested that the COPD may also be regarded as an autoimmune disease due to the antigens produced by the action of smoking on the lung. [3-82, , 83, 84]

Fig. 1: Immune and inflamatory cells and those involved in  COPD.
  1. The inhaled tobacco smoke and other irritants activate epithelial cells and macrophages to release chemotactic factors which attract inflammatory cells in the lungs, including: CCL2 acting on CCR2 for attracting monocytes, CXC – chemokine ligand (CXCL)1 and CXCL-8, which acts on CCR2 in order to draw in neutrophils and monocytes (which differentiate in macrophages in the lungs) and CXCL-9, CXCL-10 and CXCL-11 which act on CXCR-3 for attracting the Th1 and cytotoxic T type 1-cells (TC1). These cells, together with the macrophages and epithelial,cells release proteases such as, for example, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 9, which entails the elastin and emphizem degradation. Also, the neutrophil elastase conduces to the mucus hypersecretion. Epithelial cells and macrophages release the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, which actuates the fibroblast proliferation leading to fibrosis in small airways.

Fig. 2: The T-CD+8 cells in COPD
Epithelial cells and macrophages are stimulated by IFN-γ in order to release the chemokines CXCL-9, CXCL-10 and CXCL-11 which together act on CXCR-3 expressed on the Th1 and Tc1 cells for drawing them into the lungs. The Tc1 cells through the release of perforin and granzyme B induce the apoptosis of type 1 pneumocytes, contributing to the formation of emphysema. The IFN-γ released by Th1 and TC1 prompts in turn the release of CXCR-3 ligands, resulting in an of persistent inflammatory activation.
With the consent of Professor P.j.Barnes Breathe March 2011vol.7 no3:229-238
The emphysema is characterized by the enlargement of alveolar spaces and alveolar wall destruction, but without the evidence of fibrosis, which may occur in the small airways.
There are two theories on the emphysema pathogenesis [6]:
A} Inflammation Theory. Tobacco smoke stimulates the inflammatory cells, such that neutrophils, macrophages release proteases that entail the breaking of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and basement membrane [6 85, 86, 87], the disequilibrium of protease-antiprotease balance, prompting the MMP9 and MMP12, activation of proteases like the neutrophil elastase and inactivation of alpha 1-antitrypsin. [1] We also have the CD +8 cell activation for releasing perforin and granzim.
The inefficient clearance of the apoptotic cells by macrophages leads to a decrease in the anti-inflammatory mechanism.
The lung elastin distruction was suggested as the leading mechanism of the lung alveoli damage and the release of neutrophil elastase and metal proteinase in the inflammatory cells go beyond the defense performed ​​by the lung antiproteases and lead to parenchyma damage.
Tobacco smoke inhibits de novo synthesis and the tissue accumulation of elastin and collagen [1-88]. The exposure to cigarette smoke also inhibits the fibroblast proliferation ability [1-89, 90] and may conduce to stopping the fibroblast cell cycle, mediated by the activation of the p53 and p16 genes, which inhibits the cell cycle leading to cell senescence [1-91] :
The loss of telomerase activity, which is a marker for senescence is observed in circulating lymphocytes from COPD [1-92].
In COPD has been observed an increase in TGF-beta-1 with a reduction of the type 1collagen expression [1-93]. The TGF-beta] increase with the probable activation of MMP-12 may have elastolitic effects in lung parenchyma, and fibrotic effects in small airways [1-93].
COL4A3 inhibits the neutrophil stimulation. COL4A3 may inhibit the angiogenesis, leading to cell apoptosis [6, 94, 95].
The effect of tobacco on the alveolar, epithelial cells induces all the characteristics of the senescence (beta galactosidase activity, changes in the cell morphology, the cell enlargement, increase in the lysosome weight, accumulation of the lipofuscin, the definitive growth stopping [1-96]
B] Theory of apoptosis:
It was observed an increase of the endothelial cell apoptosis. This is correlated with the high caspase -3 and loss of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein [1-97]. Caspase -3 is a marker of the apoptosis and oxidative stress [1-98]
The tobacco smoke diminishes the expression of VEGF and VEGFR 2 that conduces to the apoptosis of epithelial and endothelial cells, with the implicit loss of the ECM components (extracellular matrix) and the alveolar units [6-99].
Collagen alpha-3 is a gene located in the 2q33. 3 2q37.2 region which may inhibit the neutrophil activation, inhibits their production of superoxide and secretion of proteinases [6-100, 101]. The collagenIV alpha3 may also inhibit the endothelial cell proliferation and induce the cell apoptosis [6-94, 102, 103]. Thus is suggested that collagenIV alpha3may be involved in the COPD pathogenesis, modulating the inflammatory response and alveolar wall apoptosis [6-86].
The CCL5 gene has an 28G- allela (single nucleotide polimorphism) which predisposes to a degree of protection against emphysema development. It was observed an inverse correlation between the functional 28G-allela and emphysema severity [7-p. 37].

In advanced COPD we have exacerbations through viral and bacterial infections [1, 104, 105]. These lead to the amplification of the inflammatory response, by activating the immune and inflammatory cells existing in the airways.
The macrophages low efficiency to phagocyte both bacteria and apoptosis neutrophils or epithelial cells enhances the activation of inflammation leading to necrosis and release of products that alterate the tissues [1, 106].
The viral infections are associated with exacerbations in COPD [7. 107, 108, 109].
The viral and bacterial infections may affect the NFkappaB. MMP8 lead in turn to the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines [1, 110].
During exacerbations it is observed an activation of NF kappa B in pulmonary macrophages [1, 111]
During exacerbations it is noticed a raise in the plasmatic level of the IL-6, CXCL8 (IL-8) and leukotrienes B [1, 112, 1].
In COPD exacerbations with neutrophilic in bronchiolar epithelium, there has been seen an increase of the genes expression CXCL5 (ENA-78) and CXCL8 (IL-8) and CXCR2 receptor [1. 209]. Both CXCL5 (ENA-78) and CXCR2 receptor shows a chemoattraction for neutrophils. Exacerbations in light COPD are corresponding to CCL5 overregulation, both in inflammatory cells and epithelial of the bronchial mucous[1, 3, 7]
CCL5 may be involved in the pathogenesis of epithelial remodeling and the chronic hyper reactivity in response to viral infections.
CCL5 is a genetic risk factor in chronic inflammatory diseases of the airways (asthma, COPD) [7].
Within the regulator area of the CCL5 gene have been identified 3 SNPs (single nucleotide polimorphisms) with functional activity. These SNPs have been related to an increased level of CCL5 [7, 117, 118] and high values of the blood eosinophils [7, 119]
The genetic variations may explain the substantial variation in the frequency of exacerbations in patients with COPD and similar breathing function [10, 120, 121]
The SNP of the B surfactant protein (SFTPB) termed Ro-302479 showed an association with the exacerbations in COPD and with a susceptibility for COPD. This SNP of the SFTPB is a proof of its presence in the COPD physiological pathogenesis.
Microsatellite instability (MSI) is found 50% in COPD and is not noticed in non-smoking and healthy people [8, p612] . In patients with MSI and COPD it has been seen an increase in exacerbations. Three markers have shown a link with the exacerbations are: G-29802, D-13S71, D-14S-580.
Relating MSI to the COPD exacerbations indicates that somatic mutations may be involved in the pathogenesis and natural history of the disease.
The MSI has been correlated with a high rate of mutations and is corresponding to a defective defense system. Detecting MSI in the COPD sputum is a marker that shows a genomic instability in COPD. The microsatellite instability alters the DNA defense ability [8-122, 123]. The relatively high frequency of COPD exacerbations with genetic instability proves the link between the DNA repair activity and oxidative stress due to the frequency of COPD exacerbations and vice versa [10].

1) THE OXIDATIVE STRESS acts either directly on the target cells in the lungs, or indirectly by activating the transcription factor NFkappaB. This activation induces a neutrophil inflammation through the expression enhancement of the CXCL8 (IL-8), TNF-alpha and MMP9.
Reactive oxidative species (ROS) also affect the antiproteases (alpha 1 anti-trypsin) and accelerate the elastin breaking in the lung parenchyma.
The oxidative stress entails a histone acetylation build up and inhibits the histone deacetylase from the epithelial and inflamatory cells. Thus it is also facilitated and maintained the inflammation.
2) EPITHELIAL CELLS. Being the first line of defense - under the action of the etiological factors it is produced the squamous metaplasia that affects the mucociliary clearance and this grows along with the disease severity.
The epithelial cells release inflammatory mediators such as TNF-alpha cytokines, CXCL8 (IL8), GM-CSF, B leukotriene.
Epithelial cells also release C-C chemokines, such as: CCL5 (RANTES), chemoattractant protein 1 of the monocytes and Eotaxin.
The mucus production and hyper secretion is produced through the EGFR action by TNF-alpha and neutrophil elastase.
Epithelial cells may remodel the airways by produccing matrix proteins and by producing fibroblast growth factors.
Within the alveolar epithelium, in response to injury, plays an important role in the high VEGF expression, which regulates the vascular growth. VEGF is simultaneously a proinflammatory cytokine.
Smooth musculature increases up to 50% in COPD conducing to the lowering of the lung function. They also release cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, proteases.
Proinflammatory cytokines such as IL. 1 beta, TNF-alpha, bradykinin induce the release of CXCL8 (IL-8), which is a powerful neutrophil chemoattractant.
The IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha cytokines induce the release of CXCL10 (IP 10), which is well-expressed in the cell muscle in COPD.
Smooth muscle is a growth factor source of the connective tissue (CTGF and TGF-beta).
4) NEUTROPHILS. Are high in COPD and cause the airway obstruction and the decrease of the pulmonary function.
They have a low phagocytic capacity, through the suppression of the Caspase-1 activity.
The neutrophil recruitment is performed by multiple chemotactic signals. They include the CXC chemokines: CXC-1 (GRO-alpha), CXCL5 (ENA78) and CXCL8 (IL8), which are high in COPD.
They induce alveolar alterations and emphysema through releasing serine proteases such as the neutrophil-elastase, cathepsin G and MMP9 MMP8.
The mucus hypersecretion is related to the neutrophils in the airways and their proteases.
5) MONOCYTES MACROPHAGES. Their number is 5-10 times higher in COPD. This increase is owed to the grown expression of (BCL) X that has an antiapoptotic action.
The macrophages activated by the tobacco smoke release inflammatory mediators such as TNF-alpha IL-6, IL-I beta, IL-12, CXCL8 (IL8) and CCL2 (monocyte chemoattractant) and other CXC chemokine (CXCL-I). All these inflammatory proteins produced by macrophages are regulated by the NFkappaB transcription factor, which is active in patients with COPD.
Macrophages in COPD have a extended life, very likely due to the IFN-gamma produced by T lymphocytes.
Macrophages also secrete elastolitic enzymes: MMP-9, MMP-12, MMP-2, cathepsin K, L, S to which is also added the neutrophil elastase.
The release of CXCL-1, TNF-alpha and MMP is not inhibited by glucocorticoids in smokers with COPD, due to the decrease of the HDAC activity, which is not seen in normal persons.
There is an increase in the recruitment of circulating monocytes due to the selective action for monocytes of the C-C chemokine CCL-2, which is increased in COPD.
The macrophages in COPD have a low phagocytic capacity of apoptotic neutrophils.
The immune mechanism, resulting in the inflammatory process in COPD is mediated by different types of immune cells .
There is an increase in the number of T lymphocytes in COPD. Moat of T-cells in the lung in patients with COPD are the subtypes Th1 [CD4 +} and Tc1 [CD 8 +}
Tc1 predominate compared to Th1 in COPD.
Tc1 secretes IFN-gamma, which expresses CXCR3, suggesting that they are drawn into the lungs by the chemokines related to CXCR3.
CD4 and CD8 in the lungs with COPD indicate a high expression of CXCR3. This is a receptor activated by the chemokines CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11, which are grown in COPD. The high expression of CXCL10 by the bronchiolar epithelium lead to an accumulation of Th1 and Tc1 cells, expressing CXCR3.
In COPD we have an increase in chemokine CCL5 (RANTES). This attracts and recruits Th1 and Tc1 via CCR5.
Th1 and Tc1 conducing the inflammation may self-perpetuate since IFN-gamma stimulates the release of CXCR3, which attracts more Tc1 and Th1 cells in the lung.
The energised Tc1 produce apoptosis and cytolysis of the alveolar cells, resulting a number of TNF-alpha, TNF-beta and IFN gamma type cytokines.
The inflammatory process leading to COPD results from a complex of inflammatory cells and immune cells, most of them orchestrated by theT cells.
COPD may also be considered an immune disease due to antigens produced by the lung injury under the action of smoking.
Tc1 release granzimes and perforin which induce apoptosis of the type 1 pneumocyte, contributing to the emphysema development.
There are two theories on its pathogenesis.
a) Inflammatory Theory. Tobacco stimulates the inflammatory cells, which release proteases leading to the breaking of extracellular matrix (EMC) and basement membrane. The lung elastin destruction has been suggested as the leading mechanism of alveolar destruction which release the neutrophil elastase and proteases from the inflammatory cells which exceed the antiprotease defense of the lungs (alpha1 antitrypsin) and lead to destruction.
The lung repair is inhibited by tobacco smoke. Is inhibited by the fibroblast proliferation capacity. It is also inhibited de novo synthesis and accumulation of elastin and collagen. In COPD has been noticed an increase of the TGF-beta1 and CTGF with a decrease in the production of type 1collagen. The raise in TGF-beta1 with a probable activation of the MMP12 can lead to elastolitic effects in parenchyma and fibrotic effects in small airway cells.
Also it is observed a loss in the telomerase activity (senescence marker) in circulating lymphocytes from COPD.
b) Apoptosis Theory
We have an apoptosis growth through the decrease in VEGF signalling. This is correlated with the high Caspase3 activation and loss of the antiapoptotic protein (BCL2)X. The tobacco smoke decreases the VEGF and VEGFR2 expression that leads to the apoptosis of endothelial, epithelial cells, with the implicit loss of the extracellular matrix components (EMC) and alveolar units. The VEGF level drops in the sputum of patients suffering of COPD together with the desease aggravation.
In advanced COPD we have an increase of the bacterial and viral infections that trigger NFkappaB and the MAPK pathway leading to the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines.
During exacerbations, the plasma levels of the IL-6, CXCL8 (IL8), B leukotriene increases.
In exacerbations it is observed a high expression of the genes CXCL5, CXCL8 and the CXCR2 receptor expressing an attraction to neutrophils.
In exacerbations from COPD is also involved the CCL5 (RANTES) chemokine. It is a risk factor COPD, asthma.
In the regulating area of the CCL5 gene have been identified 3 SNPs (single nucleotide polimorphism), which have been associated with an increased level of the CCL5.
The SNP of the SFTPB (surfactant protein B) termed Ro-302 479 has indicated an association with the exacerbations in the COPD and with a susceptibility for COPD.
The microsatellite instability (MSI) is seen in 50% of the patients with COPD and not noticed in healthy smokers.
Patients with COPD and MSI have shown an increase in the exacerbations. The factors which are related to exacerbations are the three markers: G 29802, D13S71 and D14S580.
The MSI association with the COPD exacerbations indicates that the somatic mutations are involved in the pathogenesis and natural history of the disease
Figures 1 and 2 were obtained by the kind permission of Mr. Prof. Peter Barnes (National Hearth and Lung Institute, Imperial College - London, UK), to whom I would like to thank on this way.

CYTOKINES. Signaling proteins, messengers which:
a) initiate and amplify the inflammatory and immune responses by recruiting and activating the cells.
b) regulate the activation and differentiation of the T and B lymphocytes whose functions are crucial in the immunity mediated by the specific cell.
c) initiate and regulate the local repair processes until solving the immune responses.
CXC and CC chemokines are cytokines of smaller dimensions.
CATHEPSIN G is a proteinase which participates in the cell autolysis and self digestion. is It is encoded by the CTSG gene.
CATHEPSIN K is a protease which has the ability to catabolize the elastin, collagen, gelatin. This leads to the loss of lung elasticity (emphysema).
Transduction. The transfer of information to the genes from one cell to another by means of a vector.
Transcript. Stage of expressing a gene within which the information contained in the DNA sequence is copied in the form of an mRNA sequence.
TRANSLATION. Translating the mRNA information into protein-constituent information.
C protein kinase. Mediates the immune response, regulates the cell growth. At the bronchial level it produces broncho-constriction by acting on the smooth musculature. Neutrophil elastase. It is a serine protease belonging to the family of chemotripsine.The high expression entails the emphysema or emphysematous changes. GALACTIN-1. It is a protein with affinity for galactoside. It has polyvalent functions and a wide biological acivity. Is involved in the immune response, in the survival of T cells. in inflammation and allergy.
ACTVATOR PROTEIN1 (AP-1). This is a transcription factor. The AP-1 activity is induced by growth factors, cytokines, and oncoproteins. AP-1 induces the transcription of a variety of genes involved in multiple cellular functions (proliferation, differentiation, transformation, surviving).
ALPHA 1 ANTITRYPSINE. Is a protein that defends the lung.
Its deficiency is inherited and causes emphysema.
CTGF (conective tissue growth factor). Acts on the endothelial and epithelial cells. Increases the DNA synthesis induced by the fibroblast growth factor. It is a major chemotactic and mitogenic factor for the connective tissue cells.
CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE. It regulates the cell cycle, cell division, induces the apoptosis of the neutrophils that mediate inflammation. The CDKN2A gene is located in the 9p. 21 area. It is a tumor-suppressor gene. Has an inhibitor: p16INK4A.
NF kappa B acts as a transcription factor. It has key role in regulating the immune response.
Leukotrienes. Are lipid mediators responsible for the inflammatory effects. They are produced from the arachidonic acid through the 5-lipo-oxygenase enzyme.
Proteinase 3 is a serine protease which is expressed in neutrophils. It is not known its role in neutrophils.
MAPK-ERK PATHWAY. Is a way of signaling the transduction.
It couples the intracellular responses to the growth factors on cell surface receptors. The MAPK pathway transduces a variety of external signals leading to broad cellular responses such as growth, differentiation, inflammation and apoptosis. In mammals there are three major ways : MAPK-ERK, SAPK-INK, and p38MAPK.
SD-282 is an inhibitor of the p38MAPK-inase. It reduces the inflammatory response in those exposed to tobacco, while dexamethasone is ineffective. It decreases the growth of COX-2 and reduces the IL-6 levels.
PI3K (phosphatidil-inositol-3 kinase). It has a crucial role to the cell growth and survival. It is a signaling pathway of the transduction altered by ROS (reactive-oxidative species). It stimulates cancer cell proliferation and survival.
P21-CIP-WAF-1 is a universal inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinase.
TNF-alpha (TNFalpha R1 and R2). Strong proinflammatory mediator, inducing both the direct and indirect inflammation. The TNF receptors induce the production and release and of a number of inflammatory mediators, which in turn increases the inflammation.
INTERLEUKIN-1 (IL-1 alpha and beta and IL-1R alpha receptor). A proinflammatory cytokine that initiates and maintains the inflammation, activates endothelial and epithelial cells. They are produced by macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells.
TGF-BETA1. It is a cytokine with multiple functions, control of growth, cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptosis. TNF-1beta may inhibit the secretion and activity of some cytokines such as TNFalpha, IFN-gamma and other leukines. Advances the proliferation of mature T cells.
INTERLEUKIN-6 (IL6 Ralfa). It is a multifunctional cytokine related to inflammation, vascular permeability and cell proliferation
INTER-LEUKIN-10 is known as an anti-inflammatory cytokine known as „human cytokine sinthesis inhibitory factor”. It is produced by monocytes, T cells, dendritic cells and epithelial cells. Inhibits the proinflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma, IL-2 IL3, TNF-alpha GM -CSF.
INTERLEUKIN18 (IL18 R-alfa). It is a cytokine produced by macrophages. IL18 along with IL12 contributes to the cell-mediated immunity. Following the IL18-stimulation of NK cells and some T cells induce a release of IFN-gamma (which is also a cytokine) which in turn activates macrophages and other cells. IL18 is a severe proinflammatory cytokine.
It is a cytokine. It was also called a factor of macrophages activating. It is secreted by Th1, Tc, cells, dendritic cells, NK cells. It has antiviral, immune-regulatory and antitumor characteristics. Acts and increases the lysosomal activity in macrophages. It forwards the adhesion and setting necessary for the leukocytes migration. The IFNGR deficiency is related to the high susceptibility to infections. IFNgama is a main cytokine of the Th1cell.
GM-CSF (CSF2) şi G-CSF (CSF3). These are proteins secreted by macrophages, Tcells, mast-cell, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. The genes are located in the area 5q31 and resepctively 17q11. 2 -q12. They are factors important in the proliferation and survival of neutrophils and macrophages. They induce the increase in expression of proinflammatory cytokines and amplifies the inflammatory response.
CXCL1 (GRO-ALFA=growth-related oncogene) şi receptorul CXCR2. The gene is located on the chromosome 4. It presents neutrophil chemotaxis, regulates the endothelial cell function (angiogenesis).
CXCL2 and the CXCR2 receptor present neutrophil chemotaxis and regulates the endothelial cell function.
CXCL-5 (ENA78, epithelial-derived neutrophil-activating peptide). Stimulates the neutrophil chemotaxis, has angiogenic properties. Intreacts with the CXCR2cell surface receptor.
CXCL8 (IL8). Interacts with the CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors. It is chemoattractant for neutrophils, CD8 + T cell, regulates the endothelial cell function
CXCL9 (CXCR3). It is a chemoattractant of the T cells which is induced by INFgama. Is closely related in activity to CXCl10 and CXCL11. They are located on the chromosome 4. Their chemotactic function is performed with CXCR3.
CXCL10 (IP10) (CXCR3) The gene is located on the chromosome 4. It is a chemoattractant of macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells, NK cells. Inhibits the colonies formation in bone marrow, inhibits angiogenesis and has antitumor activity.
CXCL12 (pre B cell growth-stimulating factor). It is a chemoattractant of the T lymphocytes T, monocytes, but not also neutrophils. The gene is located on the chromosome 10.
CXCR3. It is expressed in neutrophils, the activated T lymphocytes, and NK cells, some epithelial cells and endothelial cells. It regulates the leukocyte traffic. Interacts with
CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11, attracts the Th1 cells, activates the MAPK pathway.
CCL2 belongs to the CC-chemokines family. It is also named monocyte chemoattractive protein1 (MCP-1). It recruits monocytes, memory T cells and dendritic cells at the place of injury or infection.
CCL5 (RANTES= regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted). Is a risk factor in the chronic inflammatory diseases. The exacerbations in COBP are associated with CCL5 over-regulating. It is a chemokine for Th1, monocytes and NK cells. It acts through CCR5, CCR3. CCR1.
CCL11 (, EOTAXIN). A CCR3 receptor. Is a chemokine for Th1, for neutrophils and eosinophils. The gene is located on the chromosome 17.
MMP2 Matrix-metallopeptidase 2. Intervenes in breaking the extracellular matrix (embryonic period, reproduction, development, but also metastasis)
MATRIX METALLOPEPTIDASE 8 (neutrophil collagenase). Interfers in breaking the extracellular matrix. It has the function of type I, II and III collagen degradation.
MATRIX METALLOPEPTIDASE 9. Intervenes in breaking the extracellular matrix. Interferes in the physiological processes (embryonic development, reproduction, tissue remodeling, but also metastasis. Is the key effector in remodeling the extracellular matrix.
MATRIX METALLOPEPTIDASE 12 (MMP 12). It is secreted by the inflamatory macrophages (human macrophage elastase). It plays a major role in the occurrence of lung emphysema in smokers.
GRANZYME. Is a series protein released by the cytoplasmic granules within the CD8 + (Tc1) and NK cells. It activates along with perforin and other cytotoxic mediators in order to induce the death of target cell by apoptosis.
PERFORIN-1 Is a cytotoxic protein existing in the cytoplasmic granules of CD8 and NK cells.

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