The Clinical Department of Radiobiology from the Fundeni Clinical Institute
Alina Halpern PhD, 3rd Department of "Sf. Stefan" Hospital, Bucharest
Definition The history of etiological data
lung diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders, either
idiopathic or related to aggressions or inflammatory causes where the
place of agression is the lung interstitium.
this kind belong: the idiopathic interstitial pneumonia,
granulomatous disorders and other lung afections.
most important, most common is the Idiopathic Lung Fibrosis, which
has a severe prognostic, similar to lung cancer (1, 2, 3). It is a
specific form of interstitial pneumonia, leading to chronic fibrosis
causes not well known. It is observed in older adults, is limited to the lungs (2) and leads to chronic respiratory failure and death.
causes not well known. It is observed in older adults, is limited to the lungs (2) and leads to chronic respiratory failure and death.
lung fibrosis is the result of an epithelial injury, with a
disordered repair, occurring secondary after lung injuries caused by
chemotherapy, inhalation of toxins, collagen, vascular maladies or is
idiopathic as idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (4, 5). It is
characterized by the accumulation of myofibroblasts, a deposit of
proteins of the extracellular matrix (6), the release of cytokines,
abnormal accumulation of mesenchymal cells and through proliferation
(7, 8). The idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has a histological
appearance of interstitial pneumonia. It is characterized by areas of
fibrosis, with a number of fibroblasts interposed between areas of
normal tissue and is accompanied by the hyperplasia, type II alveolar
epithelial cells (AEC II).
history of pathogenic mechanisms.
has been suggested the role epithelial necrosis and vascular collapse
(9, 10).
hypothesis of the potential role of epithelial cells (11)
(Selman-Prado 2004).
is currently accepted the assumption that idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis forms following the repeated injury of the alveolar
epithelial cells, especially type II cells . The response to these
aggresions is associated with a disordered tissue repair and
continuous cicatrisation process (12). The repeated injuries make the
alveolar epithelial cell to become susceptible to apoptosis. This is
proven throug increasing the cellular markers expression of the
Protein Surfactant -C and p20caspase-3 in 70-80% of cases (9).
physiology aspects of the type II alveolar epithelial cells (AECII).
type II alveolar epithelial cells II sinthesises, secretes, recicles
all the components of the lung surfactant, thus reducing the surface
tension and enabling the breathing to be carried out under normal
transpulmonary pressure. The Lung Surfactant is composed of 90% fat
and 10% proteins, as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyl dipalmitate
(13) .
Lung Surfactant also produces substances with inborn defense system:
defensine, colectine (SP-A and SP-D) and lyzozim that contribute to
the defense pathogens (14).
type II alveolar epithelial cells (AECI) regulate the pulmonary
fluid balance and raise the self-recovery characteristics. Cells
become similar to STEM cells and progenitor cells (16, 17). The type
II alveolar epithelial cells have a proliferation potential (13, 16,
17) and transdifferentiation potential in type I alveolar epithelial
cells (18). With all this potential, they suffer from chronic
aggression. Explanation:
SP-C protein has been described within the familial forms of
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. In these forms, the mutations of SP-C
protein are found in the carboxy terminal part (19, 20, 21, 22). It
is a protein hydrophobic in interaction with the surfactant lipids.
Therefore if mature SP-C were expressed as such in the type II
alveolar epithelial cells, this protein would attack the cell and
would cause the cell death. But this is normally avoided. Thus, the
SP-C protein produced inside the cell originally incorporates the
pro-protein at the terminal ends of the amino groups (NH2) and
carboxyl (COOH), which then cleaves during transport through the
lyzozomal compartment of the type II epithelial alveolar cells (EACI)
. At the end of this process, the SP-C protein became mature is
co-secreted with the lipid components of the surfactant.
the case of SP-C mutations they are found in the carboxyl terminal
(23). In this situation the carboxyl end is altered as structure and
then the protein is wrongfully processed (misfolded). Thus, through
the mutation occurred at the level of the SP-C protein – the type
II alveolar epithelial cell can not process any longer the protein
and this incorrectly processed protein aggregates in cells and
co-aggregates with the SP-C proteins remained healthy.
settling of (misfolded) improperly processed SP-C proteins seems to
be the reason for the chronic stress on alveolar epithelial type II
cells (AECI) (23) (I-26). Also, the SP-a and SP-C protein mutations
to a chronic stress of the Endoplasmic Reticulum, which is the
synthesis place of proteins. The telomeres shortening mutations lead
to an injury (agression) of the DNA. Both lead to cell apoptosis and
further to pulmonary fibrosis (19, 20, 21, 22).
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a cyto-protective mechanism. It
helps the cell to survive. The ER contains "chaperones"
that helps in protein processing (folding). To these belong: BiP -
the most important, to which are added further 3 signaling
molecules:IRE1, ATF6p90 and PERK.
interacts with the 3 signaling molecules and keeps them in an idle
state. If BiP is required to dissociate itself from the signaling
molecules in order to help in the processing (folding) of the
proteins, then IRE1, ATF6p90 and PERK are activated and produce a
redundant signaling process within the cell with the main purpose of
helping the cell to improve the processing (folding) of defectively
processed (misfolded) proteins in order to rebuild again the
homeostasis (24). This process involves the possible ways that affect
the synthesis of lipids, overexpression of chaperones, proteasome
compounds, oxygen species for antireactive signaling and arachidonic
acid metabolism.
the stress conditions are either overabundant or prolonged, then the
cell will be directed to apoptosis through the activation of two main
factors: CHOP (C / EBP homologous protein) and ATF4 (activating
transcription factor 4)
pathological mechanism of the SP-C mutations (25, 26).
was observed that the wild (unmutated) SP-C proteins locate in the
lyzozomal compartment, instead the mutated SP-C proteins are located
in the endoplasmic reticulum. In cells with mutated SP-C it is
noticed a stress response increase of the endoplasmic reticulum. It
was also observed that the mutated SP-C cells - under the influence
of viruses or proteasome function blocking - rapidly suffers the
apoptosis, unlike the wild SP-C protein (unmutated) which do not lead
– under the same conditions – to the cell death. In addition to
idiopathic lung fibrosis have been observed disturbances in the
surfactant transport within the alveolar epithelial cells (EACI)
(27). The mature forms of SP-C ready to be excreted are blocked in
the lyzozomal compartment and not in the endoplasmic reticulum and
Golgi apparatus. The accumulation of mature SP-C proteins causes the
swelling of the cell. This determines a reaction of lyzozomal stress
by activating D1 cathepsin, glycerol-ceramide and possibly CHOP (9).
are components of the fibrosis from various tissues including the
lung. It was assumed that they arise through the transdifferentiation
of lung resident fibroblasts or fibroblasts migrating from the blood
to the areas of fibrosis or areas of aggression with subsequent
the type II alveolar epithelial cells (AEC II ) aggressed, produce
mediators such as PDGF and TNFalfa (28). These mediators lead to the
fibroblasts migration to the aggressed areas and there are converted
into myofibroblasts (28).
can also derive from the type II alveolar -epithelial cells (AEC II)
through the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) (29). The
Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition is characterized through:
Loss of the alveolar-epithelial cell polarity.
Loss of molecules ensuring the cell adhesion, such as: E-cadherin and
the occludens -1 area.
The reorganization of the cellular skeleton.
Acquisition of mesenchymal markers such as fibronectin, alpha-smooth
muscle actin.
The possible acquisition of the migratory phenotype (30).
main inducer of the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in the lung is
TGF Beta-1. TGF Beta-1 can cause dramatic changes in the morphology
and phenotype of many cell types (29).
after the extended exposure of the alveolar epithelial cells to the
action of TGF-Beta-,1 is produced the Epithelial Mesenchymal
Transition (30). It was also noticed that following the biopsies in
patients with idiopathic lung fibrosis, the hyperplastic epithelial
cells from the fibroblasts foci show both epithelial markers (TTF-1,
prosurfactant protein B and C) and mesenchymal markers (N-cadherin,
alfa smooth muscle actin (31, 32).
Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition induced by the administration of
TGF Beta-1in the type II alveolar epithelial cells (AEC II) is also
driven by the tissue expression and translocation of other mediators,
such as the transcription factors SNAI 1 and SNAI 2. The increase in
their expression suggests that the epithelial mesenchymal transition
mediated by SNAI contributes to the development of the fibroblast
pool (1).
has been proven - in vivo – that the type II alveolar epithelial
cells (AEC II) undergo the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition,
suggesting that these cells may serve as source of myofibroblasts in
idiopatic lung fibrosis (V).
Beta-1 and TNF alfa-1 induce the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition to
a myofibroblast-like phenotype, this process taking place in alveolar
epithelial cells (AEC II).
type II alveolar epithelial cells (AEC II)
are important in the process of fibrosis induction of (33, 34, 35)
and the pulmonary fibrosis is closely linked to the aggression of
the type II alveolar cells, the inflammation playing a secondary
source of myofibroblasts are the circulating fibrocytes. These are
coming from the bone marrow. They express mesenchymal markers such
as: fibronectin, collagen I and collagen III (37). They may also
originate on a haematological pathway, such as:CD45 CD37 (36).
CXCR4-CXCl 12 axis play a role in mobilizing the fibrocytes at the
injury place. The chemokine receptor CXCR4 is expressed on the
surface of fibrocytes, whereas CXCL 12 is expressed by the type II
alveolar epithelial cells ((37, 38, 39).
primary lesions of the idiopathic lung fibrosis are aggregated by
myofibroblasts that promotes a settling of the ECM proteins. The foci
of myofibroblasts meet in the subepithelial layers, very close to the
areas of injury and repair of the Alveolar Epithelial II cells (40,
experimental and clinical data show that the injury (aggression) and
apoptosis in the alveolar epithelium, having as result the
hyperplasia of the type II alveolar epithelial cells (AEC II) are
essential data.
disorder of the II alveolar c epitelial cells (AEC II) programs
contributes to the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
WNT family include growth factors participating in body development
and that diminishes in the case of body degradation (1).
has noticed that the WNT-Beta Catenin is overexpressed and operative
in adults lung with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (4, 7, 43).
the WISP-1 (WNT inducible protein-1) is a member of the same family
(CCN) of cellular matrix protein secreted and rich in cysteine.
These are encoded by the WNT target gene and are highly expressed in
alveolar epithelial cells (AECI) and mediates the increased
proliferation of the alveolar epithelial cells (AEC II) and induce
the release of profibrotic markers that MMP7.plasmin, activator
inhibitor-1 and SPP in the alveolar cells epithelial (AEC II).
WISP-1 also induces the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in
the type II alveolar epithelial cells, as well as the production of
extracellular matrix proteins by fibroblasts, but without having an
effect on the fibroblasts proliferation.
pulmonary fibrosis in mice treated with specific antibodies
neutralized for WISP reduces the expression of the genes
characteristic of fibrosis and cancels the expression of genes
related to the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). These changes
of expression are associated with the marked attenuation of the lung
fibrosis, including the decrease of the collagen deposits,
improvement of the lung function and survival. It is thus proven that
WISP-1 is a key regulator of the cellular hyperplasia, alveolar
epithelial cells (AEC II) and their plasticity and becomes a target
for the attenuation of the lung fibrosis (43).
Fibrosis Mediators
beta-1is a crucial mediator in the development of lung fibrosis.
beta-1 inhibits the epithelial cell proliferation, forwards the
epithelial cell migration, stimulates the Epithelial Mesenchymal
Transition and increases the cell apoptosis. In addition stimulates
the fibroblast proliferation, inhibits the fibroblast apoptosis and
stimulates the collagen production.
beta-1 can be activated through the action of integrins, integrins
representing the transmembrane heterodimeric protein with 2 alpha and
beta integrin subunits. The cyto-skeletal changes activate the alpha
and beta integrins, which in turn activates TGF-beta-1 (1).
thrombin and lipo-phosphatidic acid induce the cyto-skeletal
modifications which in turn activate alpha and beta integrins, which
further enable TGFbeta-1 (44, 45). The thrombin and lipo-phosphatidic
acid are released from thrombocytes, as a result of the injury
(aggression). They fix on the PAR-1 epithelial cell surface receptors
(protease activated receptor-1 and lipophosphatidic acid receptor-2,
and then induce the cytoskeletal changes. The anti-alpha and beta
integrin monoclonal antibodies may prevent the acute pulmonary
fibrosis and lung injury in vivo (46, 47).
serotonin inhibits the proliferation of fibroblasts through the
receptors 5HTR-2A and 5HTR-2B (48).
was observed that these 2 receptors are upregulated in the lungs with
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and non-specific interstitial pneumonia
(NSIP). The expression of 5HTR-2A was found specifically in the
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The 5HTR-2A protein is located
in fibroblasts, while 5HTR-2B is located in the epithelial cells. The
serotonin being a strong vasoconstrictor plays a role in the
pathogenesis of the lung hypertension, which is usually noticed in
the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (49).
Oxidative Stress.
is known that in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis there is an excess of
oxidants and a lack of antioxidants factors that contribute to the
disease pathogenesis (50). The level of oxidative stress negatively
correlates with the lung function and can be used as a marker of
disease severity (51). The inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar
lavage produce reactive oxidant species (ROS), which affect both the
lung cells and the cytokines (TGF beta-1) and facilitates the
fibrogenesis (50, 52).
glutathione as antioxidant agent is diminished in the idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis (53) (II, 35). This is partly due to the
activation of TGF beta-1, which inhibits the glutathione synthesis
(54) (II, 36).
the normal process of wound healing, the myofibroblasts are
eliminated through apoptosis. In the case of myofibroblasts, they
have a low sensitivity to apoptosis, while the alveolar-epithelial
cells have an increased sensitivity to apoptosis (55) (II, 41). This
can be explained by the fact that the patients with idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis have a reduced capacity to produce
E2prostaglandin. This leads to a higher sensitivity of the alveolar-
epithelial cell to the apoptosis induced by the FAS-ligand, but
decreases the fibroblast sensitivity to apoptosis (56). It is also
possible that the TGF beta-1 produced by the alveolar epithelial
cells to contribute to the increase in the resistance to apoptosis of
the myofibroblasts towards apoptosis, through the PI3K/AKT signaling
pathways (56).
data suggest that autoimmunity could be a possible pathogenic pathway
in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It was noted a neolymphogenesis
in the lungs with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. In these has been
demonstrated the presence of B-cell aggregates, activated T cells,
dendritic mature cells. This increases the possibility of an
antigenic activity (57, 58).
the cells TCD4+ produce, either cytokines , which induce the
production of autoantibodies by the B cells or mediators like IL-10,
TGFbeta-1, TNF alpha, which facilitates the fibrogenesis (1,47)
has been suggested that Periplakin (a small protein located in
desmosomes) may be a target for autoantibodies (59). The desmosomes
have a role in increasing the alveolar epithelium. The presence of
autoantibodies against Periplakin in the serum and bronchoalveolar
lavage in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is associated
with the disease severity. Periplakin autoantibodies have been found
in 40% of these cases and none in the control group.
The coagulation cascade.
was acknowledged that the activation of the coagulation cascade has
profibrotic effects (28, 60). The thrombin can influence the
deposition of connective tissue proteins and the fibrosis development
by stimulating the collagen production (60) (II, 7 (10), 49). This is
possible by using the action of PAR-1, which induces a proteolytic
activity. Both thrombin and PAR-1 promote the fibrosis development by
overregulating the expression of Fibroblast Connective Tissue Growth
Factor (61).
coagulation X factor plays a part in the pathogenesis of idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis. It is activated by means of the coagulation
factor VII together with the fibroblast connective tissue growth
factor. Thus the X factor may activate the genetic pathways either
through the activation of TGFbeta-1, which is the main fibrogenic
cytokine, either by inducing the fibroblast differentiation in
myofibroblast by using the PAR-1 signaling pathway. Targeting the X
factor of the coagulation could be a treatment method for the
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (62) (II/3).
are post-transcriptional gene regulators and have multiple roles in
the cell differentiation, proliferation and repair (1). MicroRNA
let-7d, which is expressed in normal lung epithelial cells is
subregulated in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. During this time its
target molecule is the very mobile group AT-hook2 and this is a known
regulator of the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition and is
overexpressed in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (63).
of biomarkers
have been suggested various biomarkers as predictors of the disease
severity and its progression.
we have:
The serum level of KL6 (a glyco-protein similar to mucin with high
molecular weight (64) was associated with the decrease of survival in
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
The surfactant proteine A and D are high in idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis and may predict the survival (65, 66, 67)
Matrix metalloproteinases alo participate in the pathogenesis of the
lung fibrosis. Patients with high levels in serum and bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid - Matrix metalloproteinases MMP 3, 7, 8, 9 have a severe
prognostic (68).
The circulating fibrocytes are progenitors of mesenchymal cells. They
are found increased in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
and during the exacerbations and may independently predict the
disease mortality.
The oxidative stress markers are found high in the breath condensate
from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and H2O2 may be
associated with the disease severity (69)
The serum level of the CCL-18 chemokine produced by the alveolar
macrophages may independently predict the mortality in idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis (70).
Neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage is a marker of disease severity
and alteration in the lung function (71).
The periostin (a protein of the extracellular matrix (EMC) is
involved in the fibrosis process. It is highly expressed in patients
with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and nonspecific interstitial
fibrotic pneumonia. It may be used as a marker in order to
distinguish the fibrotic interstitial pneumonia of non-fibrotic
interstitial pneumonia (72).
mechanisms leading to the injury of the alveolar epithelial cells
type II to pulmonary fibrosis.
are 3 theories on this issue:
The first that was involved is the epithelial mesenchymal transition,
where the epithelial cells undergo a transdifferentiation in
fibroblasts and their consecutive activation.
The second theory states that the death of alveolar epithelial cells
of type II (AEC II) leads to the control loss of the mesenchymal
cells. As a result they will proliferate and produce more collagen.
The E2 prostaglandin is a key factor leading to the fibroblasts
differentiation and their proliferation (73). In idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis, the PG level (E2) is low. The fibroblasts lack of control
leads to excessive epithelial apoptosis. In addition, the type II
alveolar epithelial cells aggressed release profibrotic products like
TGFbeta1, TNFalfa, CTGDF, tissue factor and factors VII and factor X
of the coagulation, resulting in the activation of mesenchymal cells
( (74, 75, 76, 77).
The third theory holds that the death of the alveolar epithelial
cells leads to the release of factors attracting the circulating
fibrocytes, which then invade the lung and locally are increased the
fibroblasts deposits (77). Also in the acute exacerbations of the
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis increases the number of circulating
fibrocytes (73) (I, 40).
conclusion it is not yet known the place occupied by each of these 3
theories in the mechanism of transition to pulmonary fibrosis, each
of them leading to fibroproliferation, raise of the fibroblasts
deposit and to collagen accumulation.
the substances tested to obtain special therapeutic results:
Pirfenidone, which has antifibrotic and antiinflammatory activity. It
lowers fibroblasts proliferation and reduces collagen formation (79,
80). In bleomycin-induced fibrosis it reduces the fibrosis extension
and the number and size of fibroblasts response. It also diminishes
the forced vital capacity decrease and leads to the increase of the
duration of PFS (progression free survival) (81). In the clinical
trials it was shown that the natural course of the disease slowly
decreases but it cannot lead to a complete cessation of the natural
course of the disease (82).
BIBF 1120, which is a triple kinase inhibitor, aiming at the
receptors of the fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial
growth factor and platelet derived growth factor. Its efficiency will
be clinically proven (83) (
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) has antioxidant characteristics, reduces the
lung function decline and in the experiment - in vitro - contributes
to the intracellular reserve recovery of the reactive oxidative
species (ROS) induced by TGFbeta-1, thus preventing the Epithelial
mesenchymal transition (84).
HGF (the hepatocyte growth factor) has an inhibitory effect - in
vitro – of the idiopathic pulmonary transition through the
induction of SMAD-7, which is a inhibitor of the TGFbeta- 1
signaling (85).
The combination of steroids, azathioprine, and N-acetyl-cysteine has
moderate beneficial effects in the easy and soft forms of the
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (84, 85).
Other substances which have given good results
Etanercept, acting against TGFbeta-1, TNFalfa, PG (E2)
Bosentan, acting on Endothelin
Imatinibmesylat, acting on PDGF (9) .
Myofibroblast. It is a cell located between fibroblasts and
smooth muscle cell.
(extra celular matrix). It is the
extracellular part of a tissue, which is usually the support for
cell. Contributes to rearranging of cells one to another. It consists
of proteins and glycozaminoglycan.
Surfactant (SP). There are 4
members-SP:A and SP-D, being hydrofile, SP-B and SP-C are hydrofobe.
SP-A. It is the
most abundant and intervenes in the immune system.
SP-D. It is the
largest protein. Intervenes in the immune system and regulates the
surfactant balance.
SP-B. It is
hydrofobe. Is necessary for the lung function.
SP-C. It is
hydrofobe. The surfactant protein is the smallest, but very abundant.
It acts as a lever for moving the lipids. It has a stabilizing effect
on the compressed surfactant.
It is related to apoptosis. It cleaves the vital proteins.
Proteins active against microbes, fungi, viruses. The immune cells
contain defensins, which are used to kill the phagocytosed bacteria.
Colectines. They
are soluble receptors belonging to the Collagen family. SP-A and SP-D
are colectines. They are involved in the immune system.
These are proteins that assist in the protein-processing in order to
complement the three dimensions (folding). They also assist the
unprocessed proteins (unfolding) in molecular biology.
is the process by which the protein molecules assume the shape,
protein. is the physical process
through which a polypeptide folds into its three-dimensional
structure and characteristics.
(inositol requiring-1), APF6p90
(activating transcription factor 6), PERK (dRNA activated
transcription factor protein kinase-like ER kinase).
endoplasmic reticulum stress activates
a set of signaling pathways, which are collectively called the UPR
(unfolded protein response) namely unprocessed protein (unfolded
without the three dimensions appearance). This response is made by
the 3 signaling pathways (IRE-1, ATF6p90, PERK). They further the
survival by reducing the raw (unfolded) protein molecules or
incorrectly (misfolded) processed.
(transcrition factor4) sau CREB2. More
stress conditions (hypoxia, anoxia, endoplasmic reticulum stress)
initiate a response pathway on the unprocessed (unfolded) protein
lead to an increased synthesis of ATF4.
is a human protein encoded by the gene CTSD, which degrades the
D is an aspartyl protease.
Half of the isolated phospholipids are the phosphosphingolipid. Two
important phosphosphingolipids were characterized as ceramide-
phosphoryl etanolamine and
(platelet derived growth factor). It is
a protein that plays an important role in angiogenesis. It is
synthesized, deposited and released following the activation of
thrombocytes can also be produced by the smooth muscle cells,
activated macrophages, endothelial cells.
alpha. It is a cytokine involved in the
systemic inflammation. Stimulates the acute phase reaction. It is
produced by the activated macrophages, induce the cell apoptosis,
inhibits the tumorigenesis.
zone. ZO-1 aligns the cytoplasmic face
of strong (narrow) junctions.
smooth muscle actin. Is a human protein
codified by the ACTA2gene located in the area 10q22-q24. It is a
marker of myofibroblasts. Is involved in the cell motility.
It is a tumor suppressor gene having a critical role in maintaining
the adherent junctions in the cell contact areas. The loss of these
adhesion properties leads to the transformation of benign lesions in
metastatic cancer.
Is a member of the Cadherin gene family, which mediates the cell
adhesion dependent on the calcium ions. The increased expression of
N-cadherin leads to a phenotype similar to the Epithelial mesenchymal
transition. The cancer cells with the high expression of N-cadherin
result in invasion and metastasis through increasing the cell
It is a glycoprotein with high molecular weight which links to the
integrins. It can also limks to the components of the extracellular
matrix, such as fibrin and collagen. Plays a major role in the cell
adhesion, cell growth, migration and differentiation. The alteration
of its expression is observed both in cancer and in fibrosis.
beta-1 (transforming growth factor-1).
Is a polypeptide member of the TGF-beta cytokines superfamily.
Controlls the cell proliferation and differentiation. It is a
cytokine with a role in immunity, cancer and fibrosis. Induces the
apoptosis and has crucial role in resuming the cell cycle. TGF beta-1
mutations lead to lack of control cell.
I şi Colagen III. Collagen is a
protein common in animals and humans. There are 3 types of collagen
(I, II, III) and are the foundation of some tissues. The type I
collagen is found in skin, bone, teeth, tendon, ligament and
interstitial tissue. The type IV collagen is found in phagocytes,
microbes, blood vessels.
It is a protein codified by the CXCR4 gene. Is an alphachemokine that
is a specific receptor of the Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) also
named as CXCL12, which has a very potent activity for lymphocytes. It
is important for hematopoietic stem cells. The CXCR4 expression is
low or absent in many healthy tissues but is increased in various
cancers and is linked to metastasis in tissues with high
concentrations of CXCL12 such as the lung.
(CXCL12). It is a small chemokine. It
enables the leukocytes and is induced by the proinflammatory stimuli.
It is a powerful chemostatic for lymphocytes. It is important in
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