POPESCU IULIAN PhD, MD, Clinical Department of Radio-Biology at the Fundeni Clinical Institute in Bucharest
e-mail: popdociul@yahoo.com
Lung Cancer (C:P.) develops through the accumulation of
multiple alterations molecular, genetic and epigenetic causing the aberrant
gene functioning. Aneusomya (the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes)
is associated with lung cancer. It has not been defined yet whether aneumosomya
also exists in pre-neoplastic lesions (3)). Smoking is an important etiologic
factor. The tobacco components facilitates tumorigenesis through genotoxic efects and by modeling the
signaling pathways.
Lung cancer still remains a serious illness, the number of deaths exceeding deaths following the cancer of prostate, breast and colon taken together. The five-year survival remained 15 %, instead in the other locations increased up to 64 % of colon cancer , 88 % breast cancer and 99 % prostate cancer (4.1)
Lung cancer still remains a serious illness, the number of deaths exceeding deaths following the cancer of prostate, breast and colon taken together. The five-year survival remained 15 %, instead in the other locations increased up to 64 % of colon cancer , 88 % breast cancer and 99 % prostate cancer (4.1)
Today, the lung cancer classification is made by
the morphological appearance of the cells and the surrounding tissue.
The limits are due to the degree of
knowledge and experience of the pathologist (therefore is partially
subjective). The classification gives a limited or minimal information on the
chance of successful treatment. Also tumors with identical pathology may have
different origins and different responses to treatment. (6).
Perfection of the human
genome sequence using gene expression analysis has the potential to
revolutionize the cancer diagnosis and its treatment.
The classification of
cancerous tissue based on molecular profile breaks these limits. Today, with the
new techniques, we can obtain information from multiple genes simultaneously.
The molecular profile
informs us on the potential of disease prognostic, helping us to choose the
therapy method /(5). Also, the expression profile helps us to distinguish
primary tumor from metastases of extra pulmonary origin (6).
Adenocarcinoma forms a part of
the non-small cell lung cancer. It is treated similarly,
regardless of its biological and histological heterogeneity and the low response
rates to treatment would be due
to a homogeneous treatment
method to a heterogeneous disease.
The molecular biology and genetic data are helping us today
to prove the heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) (7)
Adenocarcinoma is one of the three types
of small cell lung
cancer. In the 1940-1950 adenocarcinoma was rare,
in LC prevailing
micro-cell and
squamous (epidermoid) forms.
An anatomical-pathological
study performed
between 1980-1986 (1pg. 251) indicated
that the ADC was a rarity, namely 12% compared to 35% in
squamous cancer and 25% in microcell cancer.
At the same institution, between 1990-1996,
ADC hit the first place with 37%, reaching 42% in 2001
(1 pg251). As location only 20% of ADC arises
in the central bronchial
area, the rest arises in terminal respiratory units.
The simplest explanation is the following (in the absence of other
arguments): in 1950 it was
established that there is a connection
between LC and
smoking. Gradually, the filter cigarettes have
been introduced. They led to a decrease
in the nicotine content from 2.7 mg to 1mg
and the tar lowered
from 38 mg to 13.5
mg between 1950-1993.
Due to this, the volatile part began to prevail. In this way, the smoke was
inhaled deeper and more intense,
spreading throughout the lung field.
Thus the peripheral lung is exposed to high
levels of carcinogenic and
may explain the increase of adenocarcinoma frequency. Thus the vaporized toxins and
carcinogen go towards
the periphery. In cigarette smoke, the
nitrate content increases from 0.5% to 1.2-1.5%.
Nitrogen oxides and nitrosamines raise 2-3 times. Among
these nitrosamines NNK is a strong carcinogenic having the formula 4-(methyilnitrosamino)-1- (3-pyridyl)-1-butanone.
NNK may induce ADC
in lungs (1, 8). NNK is formed by
nicotine nitrosation. From the molecular
pathology point of view, NNK induces a functional
cooperation between Bcl-2 and c-Myc, facilitating the
survival and proliferation (1-9).
Witschi et al
showed that the 1,3-butadiene
contributes to lung carcinogenesis (1,10).
The most widely accepted
theory for ADC development
is the mutation caused by carcinogen that acts
on the genome integrity of the local
stem cells in the lung. Stem cells are multi-potent
cells, able to differentiate into
one or more histological
types {11}. Stem cells respond immediately to aggression by
activating certain renewal programs.
This hypothesis would show that the transition from stem cells to cancer cell
is shorter than the multi-step model (1.12).
The ontogeny of lung tumor cell is determined by gene expression, which repeats
the major events from the embryonic lung developments (11).
In experimental models it is
implied that lung contains distinct populations of stem-cell both
anatomically and functionally.
They are found in the bronchoalveolar duct junction
and are resistant to alterations of alveoli and bronchioles and proliferate
during epithelium recovery.
These data lead
to the hypothesis that bronchioloalveolar stem cells are a population of stem-cells, which maintain the CLARA bronchiolar cells and alveolar cells in the distal lung area and therefore could lead through their
transformation to adenocarcinoma development (1-13)}. In 20% of cases ADC arises in the central bronchial
area, that is bronchial basal cells.
The peripheral ADC may arise from the CLARA bronchioloalveolar
stem cells (expressing
CC10) and the type II pneumocyte (expressing surfactants
and their transcription
factor, TTF1). In
the central area, stem cells might
lead to squamous cancer or small cell cancer (2 pg1486).
There is another theory, according
to which lung cancer is a disease
derived from the bone marrow stem cells,
but it is necessary to deepen this theory.
It is not known yet the origin of tumor stromal
cells (1pg.254).
AAH (atypical adenomatous hyperplasia) is regarded as a precursor of bronchioloalveoolar
adenocarcinoma (1.14, .15, .16.). It consists
of the atypical proliferation
of pneumocyte II and
cells similar to CLARA cells,
covering the alveolar septa in a lepidic manner.
AAH is the classic version, but are not known yet the precursors for mucinous forms,
tall-columnar and
sclerosing bronchoalveolar cancer. Recently has been described the bronchiolar columnar cell dysplasia (BCCD) as
a precursor for the ADC coming
from the bronchioles
(I-17) and bronchial
epithelial dysplasia for the ADC derived
from the large bronchi (I-18)
The proof that BCCD is a precursor is the fact that chromosomal aberrations increase from 2.6 in
BCCD to 14.7 in ADC simultaneously (I, 16).
Some aberrations were
the losses in chromosomes 3p, 9p, 13p, 14p, and gains in 1q, 17, 19 q 20q and (I-17)}.
In the lung ADC
precursors it was seen a overexpression
of hTERT{human telomerase reverse transcriptase } in adenomatous atypical hyperplasia (77%) and 97% in non-mucinous
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (II,87)
Other data (1,19) have confirmed
the pre-neoplastic nature of globet cell proliferation that can lead to
mucinous ADC (1.19). There have been found gains in chromosomes 2 and
4 of both forms, matching the prevalence in the ADC
gains from smokers.
In AAH loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is rare compared to the ADC simultaneously where LOH is markedly
high. A partial loss of heterozygosity in TSC1 and TSC2 genes LOH was observed in
AAH associated with ADC (1-20). These data
show that AAH is
a pre-neoplastic lesion in ADC.
Aoyagi et al (1,21) revealed the progression from AAH to invasive bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma.
According to authors, progression follows from AAH to non invasive bronchoalveolar atelectasis (type B) cancer and then invasive brochoalveolar adenocarcinoma (type C). From AAH to type C- allelic
losses significantly increase in the areas 3p, 17p, 18q, 22q(1-21).
Also, in smoker cancer, chromosomal losses or
gains in the areas 3p, 4q, 9p, 17p, and 19p are more
common in ADC from smokers compared
to ADC with non-smokers. Allelic imbalance and
chromosomal aberrations are rarer in
non-smokers ADC. Thus raises the
idea that ADC in non-smokers arise by genetic
alterations distinct from events of tumors occurring
in smokers (1-22)
Lung adenocarcinoma is
a subtype of non-small cell lung cancer which is
characterized by multiple somatic alterations of ADN(7)
Chromosomal aberrations in ADC are less balanced than in other forms of non-small cell lung cancer. These
are relevant for prognosis,
metastasis, survival.
Losses of heterozygosity in
the 9p area have been found at an early stage of LC(1-91) and
in the areas 3p and 17p(1-92). In 9q
area we have chromosomal losses. Here it is also located the TSC1{Tuberous
sclerosis complex} gene, while the TSC2 gene
is in the area 16p(I-93).
Loss of heterozygosity in
the 9q34 area (the TSC1 gene position) is frequent in
ADC. TSC1 and
TSC2 genes appear
to be involved in ADC development (1-20).
Loss of heterozygosity is rare in AAH and
increases as frequency in ADC, proving that AAH is a precursor
lesion in ADC (1
to 92,93). Between ADC and squamous subtype there are common and different chromosomal changes. There are also
differences between ADC in smokers
and non-smokers. Thus,
the chromosomal gains
and losses are more frequent in smokers
ADC (in the areas: 3p, 6q, 9p, 16p, 17p, 19p) than in non-smokers
with ADC (at chromosomes 1-5) (1-22).
AOYAGI has gradually shown
the tumor progression. Thus we have a significant increase of allelic losses from
AAH in bronchoalveolar cancer, in
areas 3p, 17p,
18q and 22q
(1-21). These data
support the opinion
that in non-smokers, LC arises through genetic alterations
distinct from tumors of smokers (1-22).
The 3q chromosome amplification in lung cancer is the main
signature neoplastic transformation. It
is seen in bronchial dysplasia
up to the metastatic stage.(97)
Mutations of genes in ADC. They meet early in the ADC
development. Li Ding
et al (23), studying
188 adenocarcinomas, have found 26 genes with significant
mutations that are likely to be
involved in carcinogenesis. Among the most common mutated
- in decreasing order - are the genes: TP53,
Weir et al(24) found that the areas of amplification and deletions include 14q.13.3,12q15,8q29-21,
7p11.2 and 8q21.23.
TTF1 is frequently amplified in ADC. It is a transcription factor located on the 14q13.3 chromosome.
The amplification events are important in the initiation, differentiation and especially progression of
adenocarcinoma (24).
Both ADC and its precursors have
more than over-regulations
than the squamous form and inhibitors are
effective to ADC, but not to the squamous
form. It is not known
why a cancer over-regulates the
expression of a gene and another
lesion subregulates the same gene product.
It is possible that COX2 inhibition to prevent ADC
and simultaneously to speed the
development of a neuroendocrine tumor
Some of the most studied
genes in ADC are EGFR
and Kras. The over-expression
of the EGFR gene is frequent
in 80% of cases in ADC. The number of gene copies correlates with the
protein expression. However, they
do not influence the prognosis (1,26).
The EGFR mutations are related with sensitivity to inhibitors (27). In ADC there are mutations in two
and HER2-neu(ERBB2) (27).
The Kras gene is associated with
ADC. It is found in 40% in codon 12 (1.28). Kras
mutations in codon 12 have been
detected in 39% of the atypical adenomatous hyperplasia and 42% in ADC
Among patients with AAH and ADC synchronously, one-third have Kras mutations in ADC
but not in
AAH; one third have mutations in AAH
but not in
ADC. The rest either
do not have mutations, or have in
both histological forms. In ADC precursors is also observed an overexpression of
hTERT mainly in hyperplastic adenomatous hyperplasia (77%) and in non-mucinous
bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma
in 97% (2.94). All these suggest the neoplastic nature of
AAH. They also suggest
that the glandular neoplasm
arises on the background of cancerization field (1.30).
The Kras mutations are related to smoking. They represent
15% in non-smokers,
increase 22% in ex-smokers and
25% in smokers (30).
Thus ADC becomes
a heterogenity of
KRAS mutations (30).
It has been attempted a subclassification
of ADC correlated
with the degree of tumor differentiation and survival (1.31). Also based on histological
classification has also been added the
manner of gene expression. ShiNgal et
al have identified 40 genes differently expressed
in lung ADC (1.32). In another study
ShiNgal et
al (1,33) have used 308 apoptotic genes, 24
of them showed differently
expressed in ADC, among them
being Akt, Bcl-cl
PTEN and Fas.
The VEGF gene expression is important in angiogenesis. SU et al (1.34)
showed that the level of COX-2 in
ADC is linked with VEGF-C which over-regulates
it and with the lymphatic
vessel density (1.34). VEGF has been associated with angio-lymphatic invasion in
the conventional adenocarcinoma
(1.64). The number of vessels in the tumor
correlates with the expression of
IL-8mARN. The Interleukin-8mARN expression is
associated not only with angiogenesis,
but also with and tumor progression, survival, and time until relapse (1-36).
Another protein regulates VEGF, namely the RECK gene. The RECK
gene is a
favorable factor. It suppresses
tumor invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis in ADC
probably suppressing angiogenesis
induced by VEGF (1.37).
In ADC is
frequent the over-expression C-MET plus Hepatocit Growth Factor
Its over-expression has been detected in peumocyte tipII. The C-MET over-expression
is correlated to smoke and tumor stage(1,38).
The RUNX3 GENE plays an important role in ADC pathogeny.
RUNX3 methylation is more frequent in non-smokers with histological ADC (1.39).
The RUNX3 genes are
transcription factors within the TGF-beta signaling pathway and are involved in
cell cycle regulation, differentiation
apoptosis and malignant transformation
The TTF-1 GENE. The TTF-1 gene amplification was seen in
ADC. The transition from epithelium to mesenchyme
is a crucial event for the cancer cell in order to acquire invasive
and metastatic phenotype.
And this can be gained
by using TGF-beta
gene.TGF mediates the transition from epithelium to mesenchyme.
TTF1 inhibits the
transition from epithelium to
mesenchyme mediated by TGF-beta and restores
the epithelial phenotype
in ADC. TTF-1 diminishes
the production of TGF-beta and, vice versa, increases the expression of
TGF-beta-1 leads to the decrease of
TTF-1. Modulating the expression of TTF-1 may become a
treatment strategy of ADC.(41,42, 100,101).
The p16 gene. In ADC is frequently inactivated by homozygous
deletions. Homozygous deletions
have been found in 29% of primary tumors, 25%
in bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma and 26% in brain
metastases. Tobacco does not
induce homozygous deletions in
ADC progression.(43)
The BRAF gene. Is an oncogene belonging the RAF
family of serin-threonine protein kinaze. Plays a role in regulation of signalling
pathways. Its mutations are only seen in ADC(95,96).
The FHIT gene is a
tardy element in the progression of carcinogenesis in ADC(44)
RRS-82.(relapse-related molecular signature reprezented by 82 probe) is useful in identifying
the patients with high risk of relapse, even if they are in stage I (45).
MEK-1(mitogen-activated protein kinase 1). It has been found mutated in a subset
of ADC. In this
subset have been not found mutations of some genes encoding the EGFR
signaling pathway components (EGFR,Her2,Kras,PI3KCA and BRAF are missing)(46)
MCM.2.(minicrosomial maintenance protein 2). It has been noticed a high
expression of MCM2 and Ki67 in impure
bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma and
with an unfavorable prognostic
compared to the pure bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma. It is a
factor independent of gender or disease stage (47).
Three transcription factors
have been identified which are over-regulated in adenocarcinoma:
TTF1,DAT1 and TF2. Also metalo-proteinaza-2 and urokinase plasminogen
activator-alpha have been related to metastasis, thus predicting the global
survival (1,48).
The histological types my be differentiated by basing
us on the ADN profile methylation. Thus, in adenocarcinoma have been methylated
the genes TEMF2, MGMT, and CDKNIC. Instead,
in squamous cancer have been methylated the genes ARH1,MGMT,GP1beta, RAR beta and
The STK11 (serine-threonine kinase 11) or (LKB1)
gene lung ADC is frequently moved from
smokers and non-Asian
populations and of course are associated with KRAS mutations. It is located on chromosome 9(2,88,89).
The Cyclin D1(CCND1) and Cyclin E(CCNE2) genes are found in the main areas
of amplification in lung ADC (2,90).
IRAK-1(IL-1R associated kinase) is a protein kinase
which has a role in activation of NFkB and MAPK (mitogen-activated protein
kinase). In non-small cell cancer is seen a
significant increase in the cytoplasm and a nuclear decrease in the expression of
IRAK-1 versus normal
epithelium. The high level of expression in the cytoplasm has been correlated with a decrease
of disease-free time in women compared to men.
In ADC the low
level of IRAK-1 and NFkB expression correlates with the decrease of survival time and disease-free stage in
patients of stage 1(103).
The risk of lung cancer is associated with the locus on the chromosome15q25. On
this locus is
found the CHRNA5 gene (choline-nicotinic receptor
A5). This is
30 times over-regulated in comparison with the normal
case. Within the CHRNA5 gene
the D398N polymorphism - was associated with the risk of ADC (102).
The EML 4-ALK is observed
in around 5% from ADC and defines a group
which may respond to treatment with inhibitors. The low ALK protein expression
is a characteristic of ADC showing the gene EML4-ALK(104)
The genes: TAL2(T-cell acute lymphocytic Leukemia
2) and ILF3(Inter-leukin enhancer-binding factor 3) have been confirmed in lung ADC. Their proteins
over-expression was correlated with
the development and progression of lung
In some adenocarcinomas from
women, non-smokers, East Asians is seen the presence of the
E6 oncoprotein of Human Papillomavirus. In these cases, it is observed that the E6 oncoprotein leads to the expression
increases of hTERT (human telomerase reverse transcriptase),
which in turn increases the oncogenic
potential of E6 positive neoplastic cells.
Overregulation of the E6 oncogene leads to the inactivation of p53 gene (106,107).
From the above data it can be deduced that one
single gene may be responsible
for the development and progression of lung ADC. It is responsible for the disorder of one or more signaling systems. In addition, the cascade disorder of
the growth signaling pathways occurs
simultaneously to the disordered apoptosis (1,50).
Several signaling pathways
have their functions altered in lung cancer. This disorder is
important because it becomes therapeutic
target. Most signaling pathways
are driven by oncogenes. They lead the cells to
malignant phenotype, proliferation and apoptosis escape (2,51).
The signaling pathways of growth stimulation:
1) EGFR is the prototype of a family of 4 receptor-kinases, namely: EGFR (ERBB1,HER1), ERBB2(HER2,neu),
The members of the ERBB family of receptor
tyrozin-kinases are tightly linked to the malignant cell proliferation (2,
The EGFR over expression is one of the most early and
frequent abnormalities in the bronchial
epithelium from heavy smokers.
It has been found in basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, dysplasia
and in situ
carcinoma (1.52)
EGFR and HER2 are frequent in pre-neoplastic lesions. In invasive tumors the EGFR is expressed in ADC, squamous cancer and large cell cancer. HER2 is over expressed in ADC. The genetic mechanisms responsible for EGFR and HER2 genes overexpression consists in over representation or amplification, translational and post-translational mechanisms. Instead, EGFR and HER2 amplification is rare in carcinomas (1;53)
EGFR and HER2 are frequent in pre-neoplastic lesions. In invasive tumors the EGFR is expressed in ADC, squamous cancer and large cell cancer. HER2 is over expressed in ADC. The genetic mechanisms responsible for EGFR and HER2 genes overexpression consists in over representation or amplification, translational and post-translational mechanisms. Instead, EGFR and HER2 amplification is rare in carcinomas (1;53)
The EGFR mutations are
more common in well moderate ADC,
regardless of age, disease stage or
survival. EGFR mutations
are not found in tumors
with KRAS mutations. EGFR mutations are
also independent of
TP53 mutations. EGFR
mutations define a distinct subset in lung
ADC without KRAS
mutations in non-smokers (1,54)
At EGFR mutations it has been observed an increased activity of
tyrozin-kinases, which shows a sensitivity to the action of inhibitors (1.55). Mutations
are an early
phenomenon in the multi-stage pathogenesis, while the frequency of copies is a late phenomenon
and is associated with tumor phenotype with metastasis (2,56)
2)Other genes in the EGFR signalling pathway
a) The Ras pathway disorder was observed in
most ADC and would play a role in
the lung ADC development. (98) The KRAS
gene is one of
the most well-known oncogenes.
It is detected
in 20% of non-small cell cancer, and in particular in the ADC and smokers. KRAS
and EGFR mutations
are mutually exclusive (2.57). The fact that the EGFR and Her2
gene mutations are
seen in non-smokers while Kras mutations
are observed in smokers is a proof that there are different pathogenic pathways (1 pg1488).
b) PI3K It is a lipid kinase heterodimer.
Has somatic changes in lung cancer. A sub-unit
of it, PI3KCA (alpha catalyst), is one of the most common mutated gene, along with the Kras gene
in LC (2.58). Number
of copies of PI3KCA is higher in squamous form than in ADC. It is located in the area 3q26 (2,59).
c) ALK(anaplastic lymphoma kinase proteins). Observed in non-smokers. It plays a role in the
pathogenesis of LC. Plays a role in the ras activation. Does not associate in the presence of Kras and
EGFR mutations and facilitates ADC in non-smokers.(2,60)
d) THYROID TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 1(NKX2-1) It is a transcription factor
essential to the development of peripheral airways (2.61).
It is over-expressed and amplified occasionally
peripheral ADC. (2,24,61). TTF-1 expression is
crucial for the diagnosis of lung
peripheral ADC.
e) PDGF(The system of platelet-derived growth factor). It and its
receptors are known in normal
peripheral cell epithelium.
It is noted in all cases of small cell cancer
(100%) in squamous cancer in 40% of cases
and 55% in lung adenocarcinoma.
The PDGF receptor has also been found in the tumor stroma. It is correlated
to a low prognosis with in LC
regardless of age, sex, stage of disease
and degree of differentiation. PDGF-beta
mRNA was detected
in the ADC at a rate of 85% and in squamus forms in 100% of cases.(1,63).
GROWTH FACTOR SYSTEM(IGF) In experiments on mice the transgenic over-expression of IGF-2 has been found
in 69% of lung tumors induced from the lung epithelium.
These tumors have the characteristics of
human lung adenocarcinoma. The IGF-II receptor induces
the proliferation of cell lines from human lung cancer
and CREB (cAMP- Regulatory element
binding protein) -transcription factor-induced phosphorylation. These data suggest that IGFII and CREB contribute to
the growth of lung tumors (1,64).
VEGF is a protein frequently expressed in non-small
cell cancer. It plays a major role to the
development of blood and lymph vessels. VEGF plays an important
role in the progression of LC. VEGF
and VEGF receptors are connected
to other signaling pathways.
In non-small cell cancer and mainly in ADC
are observed frequent positive reactions for VEGF-C.
Instead the VEGF-3 expression correlates with squamous cancer, age and sex.
Both VEGF-c
and VEGF-3 are low prognostic
signs. VEGF -3 expression is independent of the other factors with respect to
the reserved prognostic (1.65). The increased VEGF expression is observed in 73
% of ADC and 75 % in squamous cancer. The rich vascularization has been related
to an increased expression of VEGF. The VEGF expression and small vessel
density correlates with a low differentiation (I, 66). The expression of VEGF -
C gene was found high in cells that had an overexpression of COX -2 . The COX-2
level correlates very well with VEGF.C and lymphatic vascular density
(1,34,35). In differentiated ADC has been observed an over expression of VEGF
and protein-3 related to IGF (IGF - binding protein -3 ) mRNA.
Lung adenocarcinoma is also characterized by the
high correlation between VEGF and Bradikinin B2 receptor. (1.67).
Reversely – in a favorable manner -another protein
- CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) inhibits the metastatic action of lung
cancer cells. Tumors of patients with the same stage, but with a high
expression of CTGF have a low vascular density (1,68)
The over expression of this pathway was
observed in 35% of ADC. In lung cancer C-MET has
a role in cancer invasion and differentiation (1,69).
Epigenetic changes are a number of molecular mechanisms
that regulate gene expression, without causing changes in the DNA sequence. Methylation
is a physiological function. These changes include:
a) alterations in the DNA methylation status
within the CpG islands
leading to hyper methylation of tumor-suppressor gene
and their inactivation (silencing),
b) histone changes and
c) genes regulation through micro –ARN(mi-RNA)(2 pg 1481)
Epigenetic changes
of histones
Histones play a crucial role
in the regulation of chromatin packaging, in nuclear
architecture, gene expression and genomic stability
(2,70,71,72). Cooperation between
acetylases: NF-kB,
RNA polymerase-2 ADN
prepared by acetylation of histones and make chromatin
easily accessible for transcription.
Reversly, HDAC(histone deacetylase) together with
methyl CpG binding protein2 and other factors methylate DNA, deacetylase histones and make DNA
inaccessible to transcription.
Cancerous tissues can be divided into 3 groups
depending on the level of HDAC gene expression. The group with reduced
expression of HDAC has a poor prognosis. HDAC low expression facilitates the
lung cancer progression (1,73).
It was further observed in non-small cell cancer as well as in dysplastic bronchial lesions an excessive acetylation of H4K5/H4K8 and loss of H4K20 trimethylation. Loss of H4K20 trimethylation was observed in a subpopulation of stage 1 of ADC which has a low survival ( 2,74 ). In ADC subregulation of H4K20me3 was 28 % . H4K20me3 is a candidate as a bio-marker for early diagnosis and targeted therapy ( 2,74 ). Changes in histones acetylation and trimethylation of H3 and H2 were seen both in small cell cancer, and in the non-small cell one. In this way could have been detected subpopulations with differential prognosis suggesting that epigenetic modifications of the histone code have important role in LC tumorigenesis. The global changes of histones may predict the evolution of a non-small cell lung cancer after resection (2.75 ) The alteration way of histones and is connected to DNA methylation and is a cause of lung cancer (2,76).
It was further observed in non-small cell cancer as well as in dysplastic bronchial lesions an excessive acetylation of H4K5/H4K8 and loss of H4K20 trimethylation. Loss of H4K20 trimethylation was observed in a subpopulation of stage 1 of ADC which has a low survival ( 2,74 ). In ADC subregulation of H4K20me3 was 28 % . H4K20me3 is a candidate as a bio-marker for early diagnosis and targeted therapy ( 2,74 ). Changes in histones acetylation and trimethylation of H3 and H2 were seen both in small cell cancer, and in the non-small cell one. In this way could have been detected subpopulations with differential prognosis suggesting that epigenetic modifications of the histone code have important role in LC tumorigenesis. The global changes of histones may predict the evolution of a non-small cell lung cancer after resection (2.75 ) The alteration way of histones and is connected to DNA methylation and is a cause of lung cancer (2,76).
miRNAs are a class of non - protein small molecules ( about 22 nucleotides )
encoding RNA that regulates the gene expression, modulating the activity of the
specific targets of messenger RNA ( 2,77,78,79 ). The miARN expression is
usually disordered in several cancers including lung cancer (2,80,81,82). They
are an important class of biomarkers that are released into the bloodstream by
the tumor cells, becoming blood markers. .
miRNAs can function both as oncogenes and as tumor
- suppressor genes being over or
sub-regulated in different cancers. They can play an important role in the
pathogenesis of cancer (2,83). miRNAs regulate the mRNA expression, as well as
translation within the proteins (1,84). miARN expression profiles are
diagnostic and prognostic markers for lung cancer (2.81 ). In ADC it was
observed an increased expression of hsa - mir- 99b and hsa-mir -102 (99). miARN
expression profile was correlated with survival in lung ADC, including those
patients with stage I ( 2.81 high profile of expression)
miARN hsa
-mir -155 as well as the low expression of miARN hsa - let- 7a -2 correlates
with low survival ( 1,2,80,84 ). The LET family 7miARN inhibits the expression
of the Ras protein, which is mutated and super-active in ADC from smokers (2.85). Since RAS
mutations are rare in non-smokers, the expression of LET-7 family shows us the
difference between tumors from smokers and those of non- smokers.
The above data show the complex structure of lung ADC. They demonstrate the
heterogeneity of this family
member of non-small cell lung
cancer. They highlight several
sub-sets of lung adenocarcinoma, which can be treated more
precisely, targeted and
efficient. Molecular pathology
data help us to
estimate the subsequent evolution
of the disease.
Many of these molecular changes become diagnostic factors and future targets for
treatment. Future treatment of ADC
will be much more differentiated and
precise and might be able to overcome this sinister survival barrier of only 15% over 5 years.
Adenocarcinoma, a member of non-small cell lung cancer is a
frequent entity (40%-42%). Nitrosamine, with role in the
development of ADC is NNK.
ADC arises through the
modification of genomic structure of
local pluri-potent stem cells.
Precursor lesions have neoplastic character based on molecular data.
In addition to the histological form
was added as the
expression mode of the genes. Genetic changes
in the various forms of lung cancer may be common
and /or specific. In ADC was found a large
number of genes differently expressed. Gene mutations in
ADC are an
early phenomenon.
Within the growth signaling pathway has been shown that mutations in EGFR and HER2-neu genes are early,
frequent and specific for ADC from women and non-smokers.
Kras mutation genes occur in smokers in 40%
and HER2-neu
genes are exclusive
compared to Kras genes.
The TTF-1 gene is amplified in ADC and
is crucial for the diagnosis of peripheral ADC. Along with the TGF-beta
gene- being opposites – modulates the epithelial
to mesenchyme transformation,
a phenomenon that precedes
The VEGF gene is over-regulated in
the ADC and correlated with
vascular development and VEGF-C expression
correlates with increase of lymph vessels and over-expression
of COX-2.
Among epigenetic changes, we distinguish:
a) alteration of DNA methylation status inside
the CpG islands.
b) changes in histones.
In non-small cell
lung cancer we notice an excessive
acetylation of H4K5/H4K8 and loss of H4K20 trimethyilation.
The latter was observed in a case of stage I
ADC with reticent prognosis. In ADC
subregulation of H4K20me3 is 28%, as a biomarker
and treatment target.
profiles of the expression of micro-RNA (RNA I) are
markers for diagnosis and prognosis
in lung cancer. High expression of hsa-miR-155 and low expression
of hsa-let-7a-2
is correlated with low survival. LET family
expression specifies the difference between smokers and non-smokers.
ADC is a heterogeneous entity, with
many sub-sets, with its specific, that must
be treated differently. Some data of molecular
pathology become biomarkers for early diagnosis and future therapeutic targets.
TTF-1. Thyroid transcription factor-1 is a protein encoded by the
gene NKX2-1. Regulates the gene transcription in lung and thyroid. The positive cells are found in the
lung in type II CLARA
cells pneumocyte. It is a marker
for peripheral ADC
VEGF-C It is a
chemical signal produced by cells that stimulates the growth of new vessels
CpG islands are regions
of ADN wherein a
nucleotide cytozine occurs next to a guanine
nucleotide in a linear
sequence of bases. Their methylation leads
to silencing the tumor-supressor genes. Instead their hypomethylation is associated with over-expression of oncogenes.
HISTONELE are strongly alkaline proteins that are found in the nucleus and which packs and coordinates DNA
in a structural unit called
nucleosome. They are the main
chromatin proteins. The assembly of histone and DNA is called
Histone 4 lysine 20(K20) is monomethylated
by histone methyl transferase (PR-SET7).
H4K20 is essential for cell proliferation.
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I'm 57 years old and female. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with COPD and I was beyond scared! My lung function test indicated 49% capacity. After having had flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. I've been smoking two packs a day for 36 years. Being born without a sternum caused my ribs to be curled in just one inch away from my spine, resulting to underdeveloped lungs. At age 34 I had surgery and it was fixed. Unfortunately my smoking just caused more damage to my already under developed lungs. The problem was having is that I enjoy smoking and don't want to give up! Have tried twice before and nearly went crazy and don't want to go through that again. I saw the fear in my husband and children's eyes when I told them about my condition then they start to find solution on their own to help my condition.I am an 57 now who was diagnose COPD emphysema which I know was from my years of smoking. I started smoking in school when smoking was socially acceptable. I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but i was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of Dr Akhigbe total cure herbal medicine. my husband saw his testimony on the internet he used his powerful medicine to cured different diseases. we contacted his email [drrealakhigbe@gmail.com} He has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and others diseases, will cure you totally and permanently with his natural organic herbs,We received the medicine through courier delivery service. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life.
God bless you Dr Akhigbe for your good hand work on my life.